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Row selections by row # OR by even/odd rows in another spreadsheet

  1. #1

    Row selections by row # OR by even/odd rows in another spreadsheet

    Is there a way in Excel 2003 to ONLY select ODD numbered rows in a
    For example, in Sheet1 I have a person's name or company name that is
    contained in all odd rows (1, 3, 5, 7....) in column A. I'm creating a
    formula for Sheet2 that references the odd rows of Sheet, but I don't want to
    manually change each reference in the formulas for each cell. Row 2 contains
    phone numbers, city, state etc.
    The formula is something like
    "=if(mid(Sheet1!A1,1,1)="(",A1,mid(Sheet1!A1,5,4)) and I have other similar
    but more complex statements for the other columns of Sheet2.
    So, how do I JUST reference the ODD rows in another sheet to do the
    calculations and comparisons I need? Once the ODD rows of Sheet1 are
    referenced in Sheet2, I can create a similar conditional statement for the
    EVEN rows of Sheet1 that will be placed in Sheet2.
    Essentially, what I'm trying to do is to parse out the Sheet1 information
    that is contained in TWO rows (one odd and one even) so that I have a SINGLE
    row of useable data in Sheet2 to import into a database. It's just that the
    source data is two rows and not one and I can't change this.
    If you have an alternative idea, great....

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    It seems like you would be better off using a macro to accomplish this rather than a formula. However, I'm not exactly sure of what you are looking for. Are you moving Sheet1's column A data to a Sheet2 with even rows in column A and odd rows in column B?

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