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VBA vs C++

  1. #1
    Brad kennedy

    VBA vs C++

    Giday Group

    I am a regular user of VBA in Excel. I design small user friendly
    workbooks for users. It is the only language I know. My 14 year old
    son wants to learn C++. His aim is to get into game design. I am
    unable to advise him on this matter.

    I was wondering if any of you guys are competent in both and can offer
    some advice on where to begin?

    Do you think if I teach him what I know about VBA it will help him or
    would be a waste of time.

    Where would be the best place for him to start?

    He has done one days work experience at a game studio and has
    tutorials for level design in Unreal tournament.




  2. #2
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: VBA vs C++


    Some programming logic will carryover between VBA and C++, but little else.
    Efficient design in C++ uses pointers, data structures, and I forget what
    other nasties that are hard to understand. I will say that I wrote a very
    simple program in C++ that was about 1400 lines, and replaced it with what
    was basically a one liner in VB (all else was done by setting the properties
    of the objects in VB). I'm sure that was an extreme case, but it does
    illustrate the differences. In C++, you have to do everything - in VB and
    VBA, a lot is already included in the properties that you set at design

    MS Excel MVP

    "Brad kennedy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Giday Group
    > I am a regular user of VBA in Excel. I design small user friendly
    > workbooks for users. It is the only language I know. My 14 year old
    > son wants to learn C++. His aim is to get into game design. I am
    > unable to advise him on this matter.
    > I was wondering if any of you guys are competent in both and can offer
    > some advice on where to begin?
    > Do you think if I teach him what I know about VBA it will help him or
    > would be a waste of time.
    > Where would be the best place for him to start?
    > He has done one days work experience at a game studio and has
    > tutorials for level design in Unreal tournament.
    > regards
    > Brad
    > Australia

  3. #3
    Harlan Grove

    Re: VBA vs C++

    "Bernie Deitrick" <deitbe @ consumer dot org> wrote...
    >Some programming logic will carryover between VBA and C++, but little else.
    >Efficient design in C++ uses pointers, data structures, and I forget what
    >other nasties that are hard to understand. . . .

    No C++ programmer in his/her right mind uses pointers. They use references.
    If you don't know the difference, perhaps you should consider remaining
    silent rather than spewing misinformation.

    All sensible languages use data structures, so that's an empty point. C++
    includes C's struct and union derived types (like VBA 'Type' constructs),
    but the real OO power of C++ comes from name spaces, classes and templates.

    > . . . In C++, you have to do everything - in VB and VBA, a lot is already
    >included in the properties that you set at design time.

    However that's irrelevant to game design, which requires as near realtime
    performance as possible. In C++, while you may need to build most of the
    infrastructure first, it becomes no more cumbersome than VB[A] once that
    infrastructure is complete. And unless I've completely missed something in
    VB, C++ threads provide UI functionality simply not available in VB.

    In short, game development is much more like systems programming than
    application programming due the the need to work much more closely with
    harware interfaces. Aside from the basics, there's very little in common
    between C++ and VB[A].

    That said, there are a few open source RPG and FPS games, so the OP's son
    could download the source code and study it. As for getting a development
    system, FAR FAR cheaper to download a decent Linux distribution (SuSE or
    Mandrake, maybe Gentoo, but *not* Red Hat Fedora for a first Linux system)
    and choose the developer system at install time. That'll provide a complete
    set of GNU C/C++ development tools including a symbolic debugger (that works
    nothing like Visual Studio or VBE). Easy enough to find Windows cross
    compilers to allow development of Windows binaries under Linux.

    If the OP wants to stick with Windows, the MinGW C/C++ compiler suite and
    bunutils package would be a decent first choice of systems.

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    My brother is a programmer who is profficient in a number of programming languages. He insists that the code I write in VBA doesn't make me a programmer. I understand why and tend to agree with him. VBA has all the inadequecies of VB for a start plus it has all the hard work done for you. It's like when I was 10 years old and used a drawing program. I 'programmed' 'Turn Right 90 degrees, Forward 10 paces' 4 times and created a square. I didn't really do that much work to get a square (although I thought I was a whiz kid when I did the 'Star of David' (or is that 'David's Star'))

    Don't get me wrong, I love VBA because my job requires me to work in Excel but I would imagine your greatest ability to help would be that you may understand a peice of C++ code better than your son would while he is starting off because of your VBA experience. There will come a time for all parents when their kids will become smarter than them. I hope that doesn't happen to me until I'm 80 and get dimenture but it will happen!

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