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How to make one CSV file from two Excel sheets?

  1. #1
    Marek L.

    How to make one CSV file from two Excel sheets?

    I have a huge database with about 400 columns. They are divided into two
    sheets - due to Excel limitation 256 columns in one sheet.

    I need to make one CSV file from these both sheets. The last column of first
    sheet should be followed by the first column of the second sheet.

    Is there any way how to do it directly from Excel? Or do you know any simple
    utility that can put together two CSV files exported from Excel?

    Thanks for any help

    Marek L.

  2. #2

    Re: How to make one CSV file from two Excel sheets?

    That sort of stiching can only be done using a hex editor. (And not all
    hex editors are created equal.) I did a quick search on the web and
    there are free editors out there, but I don't know if they are any
    good. Its been 10 years since I used one.


  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: How to make one CSV file from two Excel sheets?

    J.E. McGimpsey has some nice code to create text files at:

    Chip Pearson has some more nice code at:

    This example just adds commas between each field. This may not be exactly what
    you need (double quotes around some strings/values formatted as date/time???).

    But it may get you started:

    Option Explicit

    Sub testme01()

    Dim myRecord As Range
    Dim myField As Range
    Dim nFileNum As Long
    Dim sOut1 As String
    Dim sOut2 As String
    Dim wks1 As Worksheet
    Dim wks2 As Worksheet

    Dim myCell As Range

    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim LastRow1 As Long
    Dim LastRow2 As Long
    Dim LastCol1 As Long
    Dim LastCol2 As Long
    Dim FirstRow As Long

    Set wks1 = Worksheets("sheet1")
    Set wks2 = Worksheets("sheet2")

    With wks1
    LastRow1 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    End With

    With wks2
    LastRow2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    End With

    If LastRow1 <> LastRow2 Then
    MsgBox "Rows don't match!"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'adjust to match your data
    FirstRow = 1 'common first row
    LastCol1 = 256 'last column of wks1
    LastCol2 = 10 'last column of wks2

    nFileNum = FreeFile
    Open "c:\File1.txt" For Output As #nFileNum

    For iRow = FirstRow To LastRow1
    sOut1 = ""
    sOut2 = ""
    With wks1
    For Each myCell In .Range(.Cells(iRow, "A"), .Cells(iRow, LastCol1))
    sOut1 = sOut1 & "," & myCell.Value
    Next myCell
    End With
    sOut1 = Mid(sOut1, 2)
    With wks2
    For Each myCell In .Range(.Cells(iRow, "A"), .Cells(iRow, LastCol2))
    sOut2 = sOut2 & "," & myCell.Value
    Next myCell
    End With
    sOut2 = Mid(sOut2, 2)

    Print #nFileNum, sOut1 & sOut2

    Next iRow
    Close #nFileNum
    End Sub

    Marek L. wrote:
    > I have a huge database with about 400 columns. They are divided into two
    > sheets - due to Excel limitation 256 columns in one sheet.
    > I need to make one CSV file from these both sheets. The last column of first
    > sheet should be followed by the first column of the second sheet.
    > Is there any way how to do it directly from Excel? Or do you know any simple
    > utility that can put together two CSV files exported from Excel?
    > Thanks for any help
    > Marek L.


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4
    Kerala Ayurveda Treatments

    RE: How to make one CSV file from two Excel sheets?

    Choose save as option from file menu and choose Excel CSV format from file
    menu type a file name and save it

    Kerala Ayurveda Treatments
    Ayurveda- A natural way to perfect health.

    [email protected]

    "Marek L." wrote:

    > I have a huge database with about 400 columns. They are divided into two
    > sheets - due to Excel limitation 256 columns in one sheet.
    > I need to make one CSV file from these both sheets. The last column of first
    > sheet should be followed by the first column of the second sheet.
    > Is there any way how to do it directly from Excel? Or do you know any simple
    > utility that can put together two CSV files exported from Excel?
    > Thanks for any help
    > Marek L.

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