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Transfering information to the next free cell in a column

  1. #1

    Transfering information to the next free cell in a column

    I'm trying to set up a worksheets to track the spending of two people by
    amount and category. Since it's the shared expenses of two people I'm trying
    to keep track of who each purchase was made by (so a person 1 total, person 2

    Is there a way for an expense that is in a certain category to be transfered
    to the next available cell in a column?

    I set it up by making one sheet for input and one to display the
    information. The input having columns for person/category/amount and the
    display showing columns for categories and each person's total.

    I knew to use Conditional sums to bring anything for person 1 to one total
    in a specified cell, likewise for person 2.

    *I would like the display page to list EACH purchase in a category not just
    a total of all purchases*

  2. #2
    Roger Govier

    Re: Transfering information to the next free cell in a column


    One way would be o use a combination of SUBTOTAL and AUTOFILTER.

    Insert a row at the top of your input sheet.
    At the head of the amount column, (assumed to be column C)enter the formula
    Make the range in the formula big enough to cover the likely range of the
    data you will be enetering.
    Highlight the range of your data and choose Filter=>Data=>Autofilter

    Use the filter to select the category and the person and in C1 you will see
    the Total value and showing on the screen will be all of the items making up
    the total.

    Alternatively, take a look at using Pivot Tables. You will find an excellent
    coverage of the basics of using Pivot Tables at Debra Dalgliesh's site at

    Roger Govier
    "Chaudfeu" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I'm trying to set up a worksheets to track the spending of two people by
    > amount and category. Since it's the shared expenses of two people I'm
    > trying
    > to keep track of who each purchase was made by (so a person 1 total,
    > person 2
    > total).
    > Is there a way for an expense that is in a certain category to be
    > transfered
    > to the next available cell in a column?
    > I set it up by making one sheet for input and one to display the
    > information. The input having columns for person/category/amount and the
    > display showing columns for categories and each person's total.
    > I knew to use Conditional sums to bring anything for person 1 to one total
    > in a specified cell, likewise for person 2.
    > *I would like the display page to list EACH purchase in a category not
    > just
    > a total of all purchases*

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