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Formula copying from black square

  1. #1
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    Formula copying from black square

    When you link a cell in one worksheet to a cell in another worksheet, then click and drag the small back sqaure down, it copies the formula down.

    Currently, what i have in a cell is:
    ='[Blue Bell NA 2005.xls]BB ANTHONY'!$C74

    Then, i do the dragging thing to fill in the rest of the cells.

    But, This is on a report that is created by another department, for each month.

    So, what i want to d, is on the first cell, have the:
    ='[Blue Bell NA 2005.xls]BB ANTHONY'!$C74

    And in the cells below it have something that would give me:
    ='[Blue Bell NA 2005.xls]BB ANTHONY'!$C74
    ='[Blue Bell NA 2005.xls]BB ANTHONY'!$C75
    ='[Blue Bell NA 2005.xls]BB ANTHONY'!$C76
    ='[Blue Bell NA 2005.xls]BB ANTHONY'!$C77

    without having to do the drag...

    I am probably not explaining this very wel at all.

    But, is there a way to to have the cells formula, below the first cell, to be something like this cell equals the above cells formula plus 1.

    Does that make sense??

    haha...probably not...

    Please help if you understand : )

  2. #2
    Forum Expert swatsp0p's Avatar
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    Excel 2010
    If there were such a formula (I doubt there is), you would still have to copy that down your column. You could try the "double click" shortcut to copy down a large range. Simply double click on the black box and Excel will automatically copy your formula down to the last filled cell of the adjacent row.

    The older I get, the better I used to be.

  3. #3
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    ....since the report changes each month, i was hoping i could just change the first cell...like, if it is
    ='[Blue Bell NA 2005.xls]BB ANTHONY'!$C74
    this month then next month it will be
    ='[Blue Bell NA 2005.xls]BB ANTHONY'!$C94

    And then when that change is done, the rest folow suit.

    I'm sorry, i am probably not explainingm yself very well. D'OH!

    Kind of like how you have one cell equal a date:
    A1 = 2/1/05

    then the next cell you have

    A2 = A1+1

    That way, no matter what date you enter into cell A1, the rest update themselves.

    Thats what i want to do, but with cel references.

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