Hi. I need some help. I have 3 columns. The first column is the employee number i.e. '00014272'etc., the second column is the hours column (Overtime hours) i.e. '14' or '-1.5' etc., and the third column is the date i.e. '01/06/2004'. What I am trying to do is count the number of hours, going back 1 yr from today's date i.e. (now()-365). This will go back 1yr from the current date, so for example going back from todays date would 03/03/04. I want to count the number of hours for any employee within this period. I also want to count the number of hours before this period, so any hours before (example:03/03/04) need to be counted too. I have tried various formulas but none of them seem to work.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks