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space between text strings with concatenate

  1. #1

    space between text strings with concatenate

    I'm using the concatenate function to join two bits of text - but I want a
    space between, and the function joins them together without a space. How
    can I insert a space into the resulting text please? (It seems to me that
    we would want such a space in ANY two text strings which we join together
    with concatenate - wouldn't we?? Why doesn't it put one in by default?!)


  2. #2
    Niek Otten

    Re: space between text strings with concatenate

    Hi Jeff,

    =text1&" "&text2


    Kind Regards,

    Niek Otten

    Microsoft MVP - Excel

    "Jeff" <no_em@ilplease> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > I'm using the concatenate function to join two bits of text - but I want a
    > space between, and the function joins them together without a space. How
    > can I insert a space into the resulting text please? (It seems to me that
    > we would want such a space in ANY two text strings which we join together
    > with concatenate - wouldn't we?? Why doesn't it put one in by default?!)
    > Thanks
    > Jeff

  3. #3
    Jason Morin

    Re: space between text strings with concatenate

    CONCATENATE is a worthless function. You can join text
    strings using the ampersand (&). To add a space, use:

    =A1&" "&A2

    Atlanta, GA

    >-----Original Message-----
    >I'm using the concatenate function to join two bits of

    text - but I want a
    >space between, and the function joins them together

    without a space. How
    >can I insert a space into the resulting text please?

    (It seems to me that
    >we would want such a space in ANY two text strings which

    we join together
    >with concatenate - wouldn't we?? Why doesn't it put one

    in by default?!)

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