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Display Pivot Table Chart in Powerpoint

  1. #1

    Display Pivot Table Chart in Powerpoint


    Is there a way to display excel's Pivot table chart in within
    Powerpoint? This would mean that I can tweak the fields even from
    within Powerpoint, and the chart dynamically changes. Has anyone
    achieved this before?


  2. #2

    RE: Display Pivot Table Chart in Powerpoint

    Hi Wengyee
    If you copy the pivot table and then within PowerPoint do Edit>Paste Special
    and select 'Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet Object', you can then double
    click on the table and change it as you would in Excel. Only problem is it
    doesn't work once you've started the Slide Show - so don't know if this
    actually helps!

    "wengyee" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Is there a way to display excel's Pivot table chart in within
    > Powerpoint? This would mean that I can tweak the fields even from
    > within Powerpoint, and the chart dynamically changes. Has anyone
    > achieved this before?
    > Thanks.

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