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In Bar Chart, can we display both figures and their respective %a.

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  1. #1

    In Bar Chart, can we display both figures and their respective %a.

    I had prepared a chart for Sales Presentation, i have data for six different
    marketing segments and their total, from april to Feb'05, can i display both
    sales figure as well as their contribution to their respective totals (in
    %age). it should depect the sales figure and their respective %age achieved
    in the same bar graph.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Kent, UK
    Set up the bar chart with the sales figures the copy and paste the % contribution data onto the same chart. To avoid differences in the scales highlight the % data, right click and selct format data series. then on the axis tab sect secondary axis

    You may then need to adjust column widths to make sure all columns are visible as excel will try to overlay one data series on the other

  3. #3
    Bob Tarburton

    Re: In Bar Chart, can we display both figures and their respective %a.


    You can assign individual data series to the secondary axis.
    Right click on the data series, select format data series, and on the
    axis tab select secondary axis.

    With some graphs you will want to use both different rows AND
    different columns for the data that you want on the secondary axis.

    This may cause double entries in your legend, so just format similar
    data series the same color, etc, and delete out unwanted legend

    Good luck

    On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 01:53:01 -0800, Airtel
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I had prepared a chart for Sales Presentation, i have data for six different
    >marketing segments and their total, from april to Feb'05, can i display both
    >sales figure as well as their contribution to their respective totals (in
    >%age). it should depect the sales figure and their respective %age achieved
    >in the same bar graph.

  4. #4

    Re: In Bar Chart, can we display both figures and their respective

    I thank u for your response, actually what i needed was different values in
    same bar, mean to say, for Ex: i have 6 sales segments, seg 1 sales = 1700,
    seg 2 sales = 2900, so on till seg 6 sales. and the total it comes to 13,000
    (assumption) so, i wanted to know how much %age contribution has Seg 1 sales
    had to total, it would be =1700/13000, it would be 13% contribution to total,
    same for all the segs. i want bar graph which will display the figure 1700 -
    13%, like wise for the rest. i would appreciate, if i could get the answer.

  5. #5
    Bob Tarburton

    Re: In Bar Chart, can we display both figures and their respective

    So you don't want
    1) manually update textboxes, or
    2) use my previous example, working the % into the series label,
    because that shows ion the legend also.

    Here's another option, but there are limitatiions on the appearance.
    Set up the adta table as below, (I used 3 Segs instead of 6 to
    simplify a little). Note that the label of series 4 is the % of Seg 1
    Year1, etc. Assign a stacked column, data series in rows.

    Year1 (empty) (EmptyColumn) Year2 (empty)
    Seg1 1200 (empty) (EmptyColumn) 1700 (empty)
    Seg2 2500 (empty) (EmptyColumn) 2900 (empty)
    Seg3 7300 (empty) (EmptyColumn) 8400 (empty)
    11% (empty) 1200 (EmptyColumn) (empty) (empty)
    23% (empty) 2500 (EmptyColumn) (empty) (empty)
    66% (empty) 7300 (EmptyColumn) (empty) (empty)
    13% (empty) (empty) (EmptyColumn) (empty) 1700
    22% (empty) (empty) (EmptyColumn) (empty) 2900
    65% (empty) (empty) (EmptyColumn) (empty) 8400

    in series 1, 2, and 3, labels are values.
    All subsequent series labels are series name
    For all series: Format data series> Options> Gap width = 0
    and Format data series> Patterns> Border = None

    Delete out Series name labels that are not appropriate (one by one)
    Adjust series colors to match up as desired.
    Delete series after the top 3 from the legend

    You might want to use " - "&(percentage) for the series names that
    show percentages or something like that to help with the appearance.

    If you don't need a year 2, that wil help with the appearance.

    good luck

    On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 21:07:03 -0800, Airtel
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I thank u for your response, actually what i needed was different values in
    >same bar, mean to say, for Ex: i have 6 sales segments, seg 1 sales = 1700,
    >seg 2 sales = 2900, so on till seg 6 sales. and the total it comes to 13,000
    >(assumption) so, i wanted to know how much %age contribution has Seg 1 sales
    >had to total, it would be =1700/13000, it would be 13% contribution to total,
    >same for all the segs. i want bar graph which will display the figure 1700 -
    >13%, like wise for the rest. i would appreciate, if i could get the answer.

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