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weekly time calculation

  1. #1
    Dave Elenor

    weekly time calculation

    I am want to calculate how many hrs have been worked over a fornight basics

    A1 14:50
    A2 13:30
    A3 10:45
    A4 12:50
    A5 10:25
    A6 15:00
    A7 13:50
    A8 12:10
    A9 9:50
    A10 10:55
    A11 8:40
    A12 13:00
    A13 12:00
    A14 10:40

    I am a HGV driver and need to keep an account on my hours

    Also I need to know how to get a average of my weekly hours work over a 17
    wks period

    A1 69 hrs
    A2 74 hrs

    and so on up to 17 weeks

    Their is a new law coming out, for HGV drivers which means we cant work more
    than 48 hours a week.
    This can be averaged out over a 17 wk period. does anybody know if there is
    a calculation I can use to work out the average over the 17 wks
    I am thinking of working my normal hrs then taking a week or what ever I
    need to take

  2. #2
    Sandy Mann

    Re: weekly time calculation

    Hi Dave,

    It all depends on exactly what you want. I mean you say 48 hours averaged
    over 17 weeks, does that mean that you only want to calculate it in whole

    Assuming that you don't, this is what I came up with hoping that it will
    you some ideas.

    17 weeks @ 48 hours is 816 hours so I labelled Columns A:C Date, Day & Hours

    Enter the start date in A2 and the formula: =TEXT(A2,"dddd") in B2.

    Then in D122 (you need 119 rows of data to start with) enter the formula:

    =INT(SUM(OFFSET(C122,-118,0):C122)*24-816)&" Hours "&

    (watch out for the line wrap & remove the carrage return in the formula bar
    if you copy and paste)

    in E122 I put the formula:

    =IF(SUM(OFFSET(C122,-118,0):C122)*24-816>0,"Over Your Time","")

    Copy all the fomulas down as far as you want using the fill handle and when
    you enter the hours data the number of hours you are over or
    under, (as a negative), will be returned in column D and will stop at the
    last time entry and the returns in column E telling you that you are over
    your time will continue on until the you are no longer have too many driving
    hours regardless of whether or not there is a time in column C so you can
    see how many days you can have off.

    The 1900 date system can calculate negative times but it cannot show them,
    that is what the *24 is for and note that you need Saturdays and Sundays to
    be displayed even if you do not put any entery in them, (SUM will ignore
    blank cells)



    to e-mail direct replace @mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk

    "Dave Elenor" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I am want to calculate how many hrs have been worked over a fornight

    > i.e.
    > A1 14:50
    > A2 13:30
    > A3 10:45
    > A4 12:50
    > A5 10:25
    > A6 15:00
    > A7 13:50
    > A8 12:10
    > A9 9:50
    > A10 10:55
    > A11 8:40
    > A12 13:00
    > A13 12:00
    > A14 10:40
    > I am a HGV driver and need to keep an account on my hours
    > Also I need to know how to get a average of my weekly hours work over a 17
    > wks period
    > A1 69 hrs
    > A2 74 hrs
    > and so on up to 17 weeks
    > Their is a new law coming out, for HGV drivers which means we cant work

    > than 48 hours a week.
    > This can be averaged out over a 17 wk period. does anybody know if there

    > a calculation I can use to work out the average over the 17 wks
    > I am thinking of working my normal hrs then taking a week or what ever I
    > need to take

  3. #3
    Sandy Mann

    Re: weekly time calculation

    Hi Dave,

    What I posted before was full of bugs. try this

    A1:E1 label with: Date, Day, Hours Worked, Hours, Over/Under Your Target

    Format Column A as Date, Colimn C as Time h:mm, Column D as Custom [h]:mm
    and leave the rest as General

    Enter the start date in A2 and copy down using the fill handle to any
    desired row. In B2 enter
    =TEXT(A2,"dddd") and copy down, (double clicking on the fill handle will
    automatically copy down as far as you copied Column A)

    In D2 enter:
    and in E2 enter:
    =IF(SUM($C$2:C2)>48/7*(ROW()-1)/24,"Over Your Time","") and copy both down
    to Row 119

    In D120 enter:
    In E120 enter:
    =IF(SUM(OFFSET(C120,-118,0):C120)>34,"Over Your
    Target",IF(ISNUMBER(D120),"Under Your Time",""))) and copy both down as far
    as Column A.

    If you want me to send an example sheet send me an e-mail


    to e-mail direct replace @mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk

    "Sandy Mann" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:%[email protected]...
    > Hi Dave,
    > It all depends on exactly what you want. I mean you say 48 hours averaged
    > over 17 weeks, does that mean that you only want to calculate it in whole
    > weeks?
    > Assuming that you don't, this is what I came up with hoping that it will
    > give
    > you some ideas.
    > 17 weeks @ 48 hours is 816 hours so I labelled Columns A:C Date, Day &

    > respectively.
    > Enter the start date in A2 and the formula: =TEXT(A2,"dddd") in B2.
    > Then in D122 (you need 119 rows of data to start with) enter the formula:
    > =INT(SUM(OFFSET(C122,-118,0):C122)*24-816)&" Hours "&
    > ROUND(MOD((SUM(OFFSET(C122,-118,0):C122)*24-816),1)*60,0)&"minutes"
    > (watch out for the line wrap & remove the carrage return in the formula

    > if you copy and paste)
    > in E122 I put the formula:
    > =IF(SUM(OFFSET(C122,-118,0):C122)*24-816>0,"Over Your Time","")
    > Copy all the fomulas down as far as you want using the fill handle and

    > you enter the hours data the number of hours you are over or
    > under, (as a negative), will be returned in column D and will stop at the
    > last time entry and the returns in column E telling you that you are over
    > your time will continue on until the you are no longer have too many

    > hours regardless of whether or not there is a time in column C so you can
    > see how many days you can have off.
    > The 1900 date system can calculate negative times but it cannot show them,
    > that is what the *24 is for and note that you need Saturdays and Sundays

    > be displayed even if you do not put any entery in them, (SUM will ignore
    > blank cells)
    > HTH
    > Sandy
    > --
    > to e-mail direct replace @mailinator.com with @tiscali.co.uk
    > "Dave Elenor" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > I am want to calculate how many hrs have been worked over a fornight

    > basics
    > > i.e.
    > >
    > > A1 14:50
    > > A2 13:30
    > > A3 10:45
    > > A4 12:50
    > > A5 10:25
    > > A6 15:00
    > > A7 13:50
    > > A8 12:10
    > > A9 9:50
    > > A10 10:55
    > > A11 8:40
    > > A12 13:00
    > > A13 12:00
    > > A14 10:40
    > >
    > > I am a HGV driver and need to keep an account on my hours
    > >
    > > Also I need to know how to get a average of my weekly hours work over a

    > > wks period
    > >
    > > A1 69 hrs
    > > A2 74 hrs
    > >
    > > and so on up to 17 weeks
    > >
    > > Their is a new law coming out, for HGV drivers which means we cant work

    > more
    > > than 48 hours a week.
    > > This can be averaged out over a 17 wk period. does anybody know if there

    > is
    > > a calculation I can use to work out the average over the 17 wks
    > > I am thinking of working my normal hrs then taking a week or what ever I
    > > need to take
    > >
    > >


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