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Help need formulas ????

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Help need formulas ????


    - If the team position itself first after the monthly evaluation they get a potential increase of 3% playing time.

    If they come in second the increase is 1%

    If they come in third it will be -4%.

    - if there's a team that exceeds 55% of playing time the balance is distributed to the two other teams

    - if team is at 55% playing time their playing time will increase by 0%.

    If new team starts plying gets awarded 15% of playing time and that stays frozen for three months.

    I know these are quite a few formulas but i'm new in EXCEL and don't know how to formulate this. Bought a book but does not quite help.

    Thank you very much !

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date


    Please need help

    If the team position itself first after the monthly evaluation they get a potential increase of 3% playing time.

    If they come in second the increase is 1%

    If they come in third it will be -4%.

    - if there's a team that exceeds 55% of playing time the balance is distributed to the two other teams

    - if team is at 55% playing time their playing time will increase by 0%.

    If new team starts plying gets awarded 15% of playing time and that stays frozen for three months.

    I know these are quite a few formulas but i'm new in EXCEL and don't know how to formulate this. Bought a book but does not quite help.

    Thank you very much !

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