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prevent blank cell

  1. #1
    Ken Stratford

    prevent blank cell

    How do I prevent users of my workbook from making a cell blank? I want them
    to be able to edit it so have left it unprotected but I donot want them to
    be able to leave it blank. It looks as if the Data Validation command should
    do it, but I can't get it to work.

  2. #2
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: prevent blank cell

    Your repeat post appears as a reply to the thread in my browser. As a
    result, I almost didn't read your post on the assumption that your
    question had already been answered. I suspect many others did ignore
    your post for the same reason.

    Assuming that you know how to set up the validation condition (uncheck
    "Ignore blank", set up a "Custom" validation, such as =ISNUMBER(A1)
    where A1 is the cell to validate, etc.) then I presume that you are
    hitting a known weakness of Data Validation, where deleting data from
    the cell (without replacing with anything new) leaves the cell empty, so
    the Data Validation event does not fire (presumably the faulty logic was
    that there is no data to validate ...). You can roll your own patch in
    VBA along the lines of


    Ken Stratford wrote:

    > How do I prevent users of my workbook from making a cell blank? I want them
    > to be able to edit it so have left it unprotected but I donot want them to
    > be able to leave it blank. It looks as if the Data Validation command should
    > do it, but I can't get it to work.

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: prevent blank cell

    I like to use an adjacent column and put a formula like:

    =if(trim(a1)<>"","","<-- Don't leave blank")

    I bold it in big red letters.

    Ken Stratford wrote:
    > How do I prevent users of my workbook from making a cell blank? I want them
    > to be able to edit it so have left it unprotected but I donot want them to
    > be able to leave it blank. It looks as if the Data Validation command should
    > do it, but I can't get it to work.


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4
    Ken Stratford

    Re: prevent blank cell

    "Jerry W. Lewis" wrote:

    > Your repeat post appears as a reply to the thread in my browser. As a
    > result, I almost didn't read your post on the assumption that your
    > question had already been answered. I suspect many others did ignore
    > your post for the same reason.
    > Assuming that you know how to set up the validation condition (uncheck
    > "Ignore blank", set up a "Custom" validation, such as =ISNUMBER(A1)
    > where A1 is the cell to validate, etc.) then I presume that you are
    > hitting a known weakness of Data Validation, where deleting data from
    > the cell (without replacing with anything new) leaves the cell empty, so
    > the Data Validation event does not fire (presumably the faulty logic was
    > that there is no data to validate ...). You can roll your own patch in
    > VBA along the lines of
    > http://groups-beta.google.com/group/...945c7bccd60819
    > Jerry
    > Ken Stratford wrote:
    > > How do I prevent users of my workbook from making a cell blank? I want them
    > > to be able to edit it so have left it unprotected but I donot want them to
    > > be able to leave it blank. It looks as if the Data Validation command should
    > > do it, but I can't get it to work.

    > Thanks - a good solution - I knew there had to be a way! Ken

  5. #5
    Ken Stratford

    Re: prevent blank cell

    "Dave Peterson" wrote:

    > I like to use an adjacent column and put a formula like:
    > =if(trim(a1)<>"","","<-- Don't leave blank")
    > I bold it in big red letters.
    > Ken Stratford wrote:
    > >
    > > How do I prevent users of my workbook from making a cell blank? I want them
    > > to be able to edit it so have left it unprotected but I donot want them to
    > > be able to leave it blank. It looks as if the Data Validation command should
    > > do it, but I can't get it to work.

    > --
    > Dave Peterson
    > Thanks Dave - that's a useful way round it..


  6. #6
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: prevent blank cell

    Ken Stratford wrote:

    >Thanks - a good solution - I knew there had to be a way! Ken

    You're welcome, glad it helped.


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