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data entry from two cells across worksheets

  1. #1

    data entry from two cells across worksheets

    I'm wanting to have cells take the value of the last one updated across
    worksheets. I've found the code that accomplishs this within one
    worksheet, but not across two. Could anyone make ammendments to the
    following code for me?

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then
    Range("A1").Value = Range("A2").Value
    ElseIf Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
    Range("A2").Value = Range("A1").Value
    End If
    End Sub

    Thanks greatly

  2. #2
    Ramakrishnan Rajamani

    RE: data entry from two cells across worksheets

    Try this. Might work

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then
    Range("A1").Value = Range("A2").Value
    ElseIf Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
    Range("A2").Value = Range("A1").Value
    End If
    Sheet2.Range("A1").Value = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
    Sheet2.Range("A2").Value = Sheet1.Range("A2").Value
    End Sub

    Similarly for other sheets as well

    "sp-googling" wrote:

    > I'm wanting to have cells take the value of the last one updated across
    > worksheets. I've found the code that accomplishs this within one
    > worksheet, but not across two. Could anyone make ammendments to the
    > following code for me?
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then
    > Range("A1").Value = Range("A2").Value
    > ElseIf Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
    > Range("A2").Value = Range("A1").Value
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > Thanks greatly
    > Steve

  3. #3

    Re: data entry from two cells across worksheets

    I think I'm missing something...
    What I tried to take from your advise resulted in this mess:

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Address = "Periferals!$A$20" Then
    Monitors.Range("A20").Value = Periferals.Range("A20").Value
    ElseIf Target.Address = "Monitors!$A$20" Then
    Periferals.Range("A20").Value = Monitors.Range("A20").Value
    End If
    End Sub

    which I'm putting in "ThisWorkbook" and I'm still not getting anything

  4. #4

    Re: data entry from two cells across worksheets

    sorry guys and gals, is this one tougher than I thought?

  5. #5
    Dave Peterson

    Re: data entry from two cells across worksheets

    I'm not sure I understand what you really want...

    If you make a change to A20 on Monitors or Periferals, you want that change to
    be echoed onto the other worksheet?

    If yes, then this worked ok for me (code is still behind the ThisWorkbook

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim OtherSheetName As String
    Dim myAddr As String

    'only one cell at a time
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    myAddr = "A20"

    If Intersect(Target, Sh.Range(myAddr)) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    OtherSheetName = ""
    Select Case LCase(Sh.Name)
    Case Is = "periferals": OtherSheetName = "monitors"
    Case Is = "monitors": OtherSheetName = "periferals"
    End Select

    If OtherSheetName = "" Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error GoTo errHandler:
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Sh.Parent.Worksheets(OtherSheetName).Range(myAddr).Value = Target.Value

    Application.EnableEvents = True

    End Sub

    By the way, I think the correct spelling for Periferals is Peripherals. If you
    change the the worksheet name, remember to change the name in the code, too.

    sp-googling wrote:
    > sorry guys and gals, is this one tougher than I thought?


    Dave Peterson

  6. #6

    Re: data entry from two cells across worksheets

    Excellent stuff Dave. What do I do if I want the two cells to be
    different locations rather than just sheets?
    Peripherals!A20 and monitors!B4 for example. I know I should have
    asked the first time around, but you know how these things go...

    btw thanks for the proof reading too :-)

  7. #7
    Dave Peterson

    Re: data entry from two cells across worksheets

    First, I think I'd take a slightly different approach. I think I'd use just one
    worksheet for input and put a formula in the other:

    (in the peripherals worksheet).

    If you lock that cell and protect the sheet, it should be ok.

    But if you want...

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim myOtherCell As Range
    Dim myPerCell As Range
    Dim myMonCell As Range

    'only one cell at a time
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    Set myPerCell = Worksheets("peripherals").Range("a20")
    Set myMonCell = Worksheets("monitors").Range("b4")

    Set myOtherCell = Nothing
    If Sh.Name = myPerCell.Parent.Name Then
    If Intersect(myPerCell, Target) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    Set myOtherCell = myMonCell
    End If
    ElseIf Sh.Name = myMonCell.Parent.Name Then
    If Intersect(myMonCell, Target) Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    Set myOtherCell = myPerCell
    End If
    End If

    If myOtherCell Is Nothing Then
    Exit Sub
    End If

    On Error GoTo errHandler:
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    myOtherCell.Value = Target.Value

    Application.EnableEvents = True

    End Sub

    sp-googling wrote:
    > Excellent stuff Dave. What do I do if I want the two cells to be
    > different locations rather than just sheets?
    > Peripherals!A20 and monitors!B4 for example. I know I should have
    > asked the first time around, but you know how these things go...
    > btw thanks for the proof reading too :-)


    Dave Peterson

  8. #8

    Re: data entry from two cells across worksheets

    top notch Dave. I'd also use formulas - since I also don't know code -
    but this is on a preexisting workbook with numerous formulas
    referencing the two cells and the solution you've offered will save the
    integrity of the data as well as several hours of changing the
    workbook. Your assistance has been very much appreciated.

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