I want to put all these conditions formulas together, so I can say if it fulfills the conditions say good or bad in column E

DATE------- inc. flow----Temp.------Susp.solids

01/11/2004----1053-----22---------144---------------good "for example"
02/11/2004----932------20------- 146
03/11/2004---1035-----27-------- 298
06/11/2004---1318-----28-------- 66
07/11/2004---1117-----25-------- 180
09/11/2004----1894----26.9------ 110

Conditions for column B47 <2863
Cond for column C47 <30
Cond for column D47 <277

IF(B47="","",COUNTIF(B2,B47)) I want to join it with SI(C47="","",COUNTIF(C2;C47)) and IF(C47="","",COUNTIF(D2;D47))

Thanks for helping I already tried using "and" but It gives me an error thats bringing me crazy...

Thanks for any advise.......
