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Were did the name excel come from?

  1. #1
    Dave Brownewell

    Were did the name excel come from?

  2. #2
    Bill Sharpe

    Re: Were did the name excel come from?

    With a capital "E", Microsoft <g>


  3. #3
    Dave Brownewell

    RE: Were did the name Excel come from?

    "Dave Brownewell" wrote:

    > Why was the name "Excel" chosen for the products name?

  4. #4
    Fredrik Wahlgren

    Re: Were did the name excel come from?

    "Dave Brownewell" <Dave [email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...

    I don't know who came up with the name Excel but I distinctly remember that
    I have read that MS had come up with many names for their version of the
    spreadsheet. One of them was "Mr Speadsheet". It's the same with Widows. The
    original name was "Interface Manager" but then someone from the marketing
    dept came up with the idea of using the generic name "Windows"

    Here's an intersting article aboutthe history of Excel

    BTW. History is a reseved word. You can't name a worksheet History


  5. #5
    Bill Sharpe

    Re: Were did the name Excel come from?

    That's a different question than what was asked in the subject line...


    "Dave Brownewell" <Dave [email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...

    "Dave Brownewell" wrote:

    > Why was the name "Excel" chosen for the products name?

  6. #6
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: Were did the name excel come from?

    According to 'A history of the personal computer: the people and the
    technology', by Roy Allan, the name was submitted by a Microsoft branch


    (see middle of page 21)

    Dave Brownewell wrote:

    Debra Dalgleish
    Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

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