
Thank you in advance for reading my post. I am trying to assign random
dates to fiscal week, month and years so that I can produce a pivot table
that drills down by fiscal dates. As of now, the random dates in one
spreadsheet. The fiscal information is in another.

I know how to make a simple pivot table with from one spreasheet. Do I even
need to populate the random dates with their corresponding fiscal information
into one spreadsheet before I can make this pivot table or is there a way to
connect the two? Must this task involve VBA?

I am sure this is a common task, but this is the first time I have run
across it. Any ideas? Does anyone know where there is an example of how to
tie the random dates to the fiscal dates?

The ultimate goal is to make a pivot table that organizes the random dates
into fiscal weeks, quarters, months, etc.

Any suggestions or help is appreciated.

Here is an example to give you an idea...

Spreadsheet A (various dates with corresponding data - misc. corresponding
fields left out for this example)

Random Dates Fiscal Week FiscalMonth FiscalYear

Spreadsheet B (Fiscal dates with corresponding fiscal Week, QTR, YR)
Date FiscalWeek FiscalMonth FiscalYear
3/3/2005 27 3 March FY05
3/4/2005 27 3 March FY05
3/5/2005 27 3 March FY05
3/6/2005 27 3 March FY05
3/7/2005 28 3 March FY05
3/8/2005 28 3 March FY05
3/9/2005 28 3 March FY05
3/10/2005 28 3 March FY05
3/11/2005 28 3 March FY05
3/12/2005 28 3 March FY05
3/13/2005 29 3 March FY05
3/14/2005 29 3 March FY05
3/15/2005 29 3 March FY05
3/16/2005 29 3 March FY05
3/17/2005 29 3 March FY05
3/30/2005 31 3 March FY05
3/31/2005 31 4 April FY05
4/4/2005 31 4 April FY05

Many Thanks,