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Select word after **

  1. #1

    Select word after **

    Hi all,

    Anyone can help to tell me how to select words from a cell that located
    after a **.

    For example a have a setence in a cell that contains "I need help ** anyone
    can do me a favor?", I want to draw the words "anyone can do me a favor?".

    I know there must be a formula can do it, but I don't know how.


  2. #2

    Re: Select word after **


    if these are all in a column and you don't have any other * in this column
    then the way i would approach it is ...
    insert about 5 blank columns to the right of your column with the **

    copy this column to the first blank column you inserted and then choose the
    data / text to columns
    untick tab, tick other and type a *
    tick, treat consecutive delimiters as one
    click FINISH
    now you can delete the column(s) you don't need

    check out www.hcts.net.au/tipsandtricks.htm
    ....well i'm working on it anyway
    "et" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi all,
    > Anyone can help to tell me how to select words from a cell that located
    > after a **.
    > For example a have a setence in a cell that contains "I need help **
    > anyone can do me a favor?", I want to draw the words "anyone can do me a
    > favor?".
    > I know there must be a formula can do it, but I don't know how.
    > Thankyou
    > ET

  3. #3

    Re: Select word after **


    Vaya con Dios,
    Chuck, CABGx3

    "et" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi all,
    > Anyone can help to tell me how to select words from a cell that located
    > after a **.
    > For example a have a setence in a cell that contains "I need help **

    > can do me a favor?", I want to draw the words "anyone can do me a

    > I know there must be a formula can do it, but I don't know how.
    > Thankyou
    > ET

  4. #4
    Trevor Shuttleworth

    Re: Select word after **


    to build on a previous response, a slight variation:


    It then doesn't matter how long the original field was.



    "et" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi all,
    > Anyone can help to tell me how to select words from a cell that located
    > after a **.
    > For example a have a setence in a cell that contains "I need help **
    > anyone can do me a favor?", I want to draw the words "anyone can do me a
    > favor?".
    > I know there must be a formula can do it, but I don't know how.
    > Thankyou
    > ET

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Smile Phrase after and word after

    It sounds like you are asking for the remaining portion of the text. This eliminates spaces ahead of the phrase in cell a1:

    To capture the actual word after the ** do this:
    =LEFT(TRIM(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("**",A1)-1)),FIND(" ",TRIM(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("**",A1)-1))))

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