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Is there a way to hide text in a cell?

  1. #1
    IT Assistant

    Is there a way to hide text in a cell?

    I'm trying to format a spreadsheet where some information (passwords) should
    only be viewed by certain people.... not for the general viewer. Is there a
    way to hide text in a cell? I have done it in the past but I can't seem to
    figure this out now.

  2. #2
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Is there a way to hide text in a cell?


    For a very casual and inexperienced user you may get away with something like
    this, but anything you do can be easily un-done by just about anyone who could
    access these news groups.

    You could format the text to white so's it wouldn't show in the cell.

    You can go to Format>Cell>Protection and check "hidden" then
    Tools>Protection>Priotect Sheet with a password.

    This password would be supplied to the need-to-see users.

    This would not show the text in the formula bar.

    BUT, if I enter =cellref in another cell(assuming that other cell was unlocked
    for editing) I would see the text from the original cell.

    Excel's security is weak. Best thing to do with passwords is print them on a
    sheet of paper and tape that to the underside of a drawer in your desk.

    Don't bother to look for mine there. I use another method<g>

    Gord Dibben Excel MVP

    On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 13:57:02 -0700, IT Assistant
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I'm trying to format a spreadsheet where some information (passwords) should
    >only be viewed by certain people.... not for the general viewer. Is there a
    >way to hide text in a cell? I have done it in the past but I can't seem to
    >figure this out now.

  3. #3
    John Mansfield

    RE: Is there a way to hide text in a cell?

    Another way to hide data in a cell . . . select the cell with the data. Go
    to the Standard Toolbar and select Format -> Cells. In the Format Cells
    dialog box go to the Numbers tab and select the Custom option. In the Type
    input area, type in three semi-colons i.e. ;;;

    John Mansfield

    "IT Assistant" wrote:

    > I'm trying to format a spreadsheet where some information (passwords) should
    > only be viewed by certain people.... not for the general viewer. Is there a
    > way to hide text in a cell? I have done it in the past but I can't seem to
    > figure this out now.

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