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How do I compare FORMULAS in two workbooks

  1. #1
    Doug Gault

    How do I compare FORMULAS in two workbooks

    I have found many programs that will help me compare the VALUES in one
    workboodk to another, but I need something that will help me compare the
    underlying formulas.

    We have some financially based spreadsheets that are routed through the
    company for edit/review/approval and when we get them back we need to make
    sure that nothing has happened to change the underlying forumlas.

    I need a program/method to compare the routed spreadsheet to a "Master copy"
    that will check to insure the formulas haven't changed.


  2. #2

    Re: How do I compare FORMULAS in two workbooks

    I would have thought it would be much easier - and safer - to protect the
    cells with the formulas in. They cannot be altered by the end-user, then.


    "Doug Gault" <Doug [email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have found many programs that will help me compare the VALUES in one
    > workboodk to another, but I need something that will help me compare the
    > underlying formulas.
    > We have some financially based spreadsheets that are routed through the
    > company for edit/review/approval and when we get them back we need to make
    > sure that nothing has happened to change the underlying forumlas.
    > I need a program/method to compare the routed spreadsheet to a "Master
    > copy"
    > that will check to insure the formulas haven't changed.
    > Thanks

  3. #3

    RE: How do I compare FORMULAS in two workbooks

    try a macro like

    for r = 1 to endrow
    for c = 1 to endcolumn
    if workbooks("wb1").sheets("sh1").cells(r,c).formula<>if
    workbooks("wb2").sheets("sh1").cells(r,c).formula then
    With Selection.Interior
    .ColorIndex = 6
    .Pattern = xlSolid
    End With
    next c
    next r
    end sub

    This will leave any changed cells highlighted yellow in wb1
    Note if this does what you want, I would change the brute force macro to a
    more formal macro with methods of having the macro select the max cells and
    inputing the Workbook names. I also dim each variable and use option
    but I like brute force macros for initial set ups because it is easier to
    see what they do.

    "Doug Gault" wrote:

    > I have found many programs that will help me compare the VALUES in one
    > workboodk to another, but I need something that will help me compare the
    > underlying formulas.
    > We have some financially based spreadsheets that are routed through the
    > company for edit/review/approval and when we get them back we need to make
    > sure that nothing has happened to change the underlying forumlas.
    > I need a program/method to compare the routed spreadsheet to a "Master copy"
    > that will check to insure the formulas haven't changed.
    > Thanks

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    i have also tried this macro, but not working. getting an error, for without next.
    any idea how to make it run?


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