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how do i "de-dupe?" rows by a column value?

  1. #1

    how do i "de-dupe?" rows by a column value?

    I have a complex operation to perform. My spreadsheet has rows that indicate
    items (control number in column A) linked to titles (control number in column
    B). A title can have multiple items in the spredsheet. I want to number the
    titles and assign random numbers to them so that I can get two random

    I also want to have my random numbering retained in the spreadsheet as a
    whole, so I can see all the items assigned to my samples.

    How can I "dedupe" column B, assign a random number to each title control,
    then transfer that data to my "undeduped" spreadsheet (or have it

    I found an article describing a way to assign the random numbers
    it's how to apply this only to the title controls, one per title control,
    that I don't know. Someone described how to do this in another statistical
    package, I just don't know what to do with Excel. Help, please!

  2. #2

    RE: how do i "de-dupe?" rows by a column value?

    In case anyone is interested, I figured out how to do what I wanted - without
    "deduping"... using If function.

    Realize that the key to the item/title relationship is another column, call
    it V, call number.

    First, to assign random numbers to the titles... sort spreadsheet by call
    number column V, so all the rows with same title control are together.
    Create a new column next to title control column B, with If function such
    that if title control is the same as the one above it, value is "V",
    otherwise value is RAND().

    Copy that column, past over it as values only (to set the random values so
    they don't recalculate every time).

    Sort spreadsheet by the new column (C), ascending so all the random numbers
    are at the top and V's at the bottom. Create another column to the side of
    it (D) and label (and count if desired, by using data fill handle) the number
    of randomly selected titles I want. I did two samples and then left the rest

    Re-sort the spreadsheet by call number. Now the titles in the sample are
    labeled, but I want the row with volumes of the same title also to be
    labeled. Right now they're blank.

    Create a new column (E) next to the sample label column, all with formula.
    In E2:

    =If C2<>"V",D2,E1

    Was sure this wasn't going to work but it correctly copied the labels on my
    samples and labeled the associated volume rows. Now I can "fix" the values
    in column E, delete D and use it instead.

    Whew! Thought I was going to have to write a macro for this one...

    "hailah" wrote:

    > I have a complex operation to perform. My spreadsheet has rows that indicate
    > items (control number in column A) linked to titles (control number in column
    > B). A title can have multiple items in the spredsheet. I want to number the
    > titles and assign random numbers to them so that I can get two random
    > samples.
    > I also want to have my random numbering retained in the spreadsheet as a
    > whole, so I can see all the items assigned to my samples.
    > How can I "dedupe" column B, assign a random number to each title control,
    > then transfer that data to my "undeduped" spreadsheet (or have it
    > retained...)?
    > I found an article describing a way to assign the random numbers
    > (http://tutorialized.com/tutorial/Sel...-in-Excel/7197);
    > it's how to apply this only to the title controls, one per title control,
    > that I don't know. Someone described how to do this in another statistical
    > package, I just don't know what to do with Excel. Help, please!

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