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updating pivot table to include additional rows

  1. #1

    updating pivot table to include additional rows

    Tried Refresh Table to update the pivot table. My experience with the
    Refresh Table will update the values in the data that I've used to create the
    pivot table with. My issues is adding additional rows to the data and having
    these new rows added to the pivot table. for example, creating a pivot table
    asks the range of cells to create the table with, A1-G343. If I add rows
    A344-G454, these are not included in the data. I'd like all rows A1-G454
    included in the pivot table without redefining the pivot table.

    Is it possible to do this?

  2. #2
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: updating pivot table to include additional rows

    You could use a dynamic range as the pivot source -- there are
    instructions here:


    Ellen wrote:
    > Tried Refresh Table to update the pivot table. My experience with the
    > Refresh Table will update the values in the data that I've used to create the
    > pivot table with. My issues is adding additional rows to the data and having
    > these new rows added to the pivot table. for example, creating a pivot table
    > asks the range of cells to create the table with, A1-G343. If I add rows
    > A344-G454, these are not included in the data. I'd like all rows A1-G454
    > included in the pivot table without redefining the pivot table.
    > Is it possible to do this?

    Debra Dalgleish
    Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

  3. #3

    Re: updating pivot table to include additional rows

    Debra - thank you. This looks like what we'd like to do.

    "Debra Dalgleish" wrote:

    > You could use a dynamic range as the pivot source -- there are
    > instructions here:
    > http://www.contextures.com/xlPivot01.html
    > Ellen wrote:
    > > Tried Refresh Table to update the pivot table. My experience with the
    > > Refresh Table will update the values in the data that I've used to create the
    > > pivot table with. My issues is adding additional rows to the data and having
    > > these new rows added to the pivot table. for example, creating a pivot table
    > > asks the range of cells to create the table with, A1-G343. If I add rows
    > > A344-G454, these are not included in the data. I'd like all rows A1-G454
    > > included in the pivot table without redefining the pivot table.
    > >
    > > Is it possible to do this?

    > --
    > Debra Dalgleish
    > Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List
    > http://www.contextures.com/tiptech.html

  4. #4
    Debra Dalgleish

    Re: updating pivot table to include additional rows

    You're welcome! Thanks for letting me know.

    Ellen wrote:
    > Debra - thank you. This looks like what we'd like to do.
    > "Debra Dalgleish" wrote:
    >>You could use a dynamic range as the pivot source -- there are
    >>instructions here:
    >> http://www.contextures.com/xlPivot01.html
    >>Ellen wrote:
    >>>Tried Refresh Table to update the pivot table. My experience with the
    >>>Refresh Table will update the values in the data that I've used to create the
    >>>pivot table with. My issues is adding additional rows to the data and having
    >>>these new rows added to the pivot table. for example, creating a pivot table
    >>>asks the range of cells to create the table with, A1-G343. If I add rows
    >>>A344-G454, these are not included in the data. I'd like all rows A1-G454
    >>>included in the pivot table without redefining the pivot table.
    >>>Is it possible to do this?

    >>Debra Dalgleish
    >>Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List


    Debra Dalgleish
    Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Wisconsin, USA
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2003

    Re: updating pivot table to include additional rows

    I'm no expert so please have someone verify. I insert a blank row at the top of the data and put the new data there, then just refresh the pivot chart and it picks up all the rows.

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