I have a spreadsheet price list with rows that contain headings in them, for
example, cables, displays, cabinets, etc. The spreadsheet has grown to be
several hundred rows long, and I wanted to have a way to easily get from one
place to another without having to scroll around all the time. I decided
that the best way to fix this would be to create macro buttons at the top few
rows of the screen that would take me to the particular sections in the
worksheet. So I researched how to create names for a particular cell, and
learned how to make a macro to goto that particular cell (using the name).
Everything works out pretty good so far. I have freeze panes set so that my
macro buttons stay at the top of the screen at all times.

The problem is that when I run the macros, it only takes me to that cell and
if the cell happens to be anywhere lower on the spreadsheet than what is
currently visible on the screen, it makes the cell appear at the bottom of
the screen. Since my intention is to see the contents of the rows just under
this row heading, I'd like to find a way to make the cell come up right under
my frozen panes. I've searched high and low for some command to bring that
cell to the "top" (with the exception of the frozen panes) of the screen.

Can anyone help me with this? It driving me nuts. Thanks.