Hello Everybody,
I have Excel 2003 on WinXP SP2.

I have copied a worksheet, "Invoice", into my Excel file called "Databased".
Although, I have broken all links in the worksheet but still it tries to
open the original file from where I copied the it. If the file is not found
I get following error when "Databased" is opened:

Cannot find 'C:\[ILYASBILLING Template (uw).xls]AutoOpen Stub Data'!, which
has been assigned to run each time [Databased.xls]Invoice is opened.
Continuing could cause errors. Cancel opening [Databased.xls]Invoice?

Now I have no idea how to search and destroy this "AutoOpen Stub Data"
because I already have deleted all previous formulas and links to other
files that I knew. Can anybody help in this case?

Thank you,
Syed Zeeshan Haider

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