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Q:Excel/ODBC/Login ....

  1. #1
    Verner Jensen, Ålborg

    Q:Excel/ODBC/Login ....

    Hi' there !

    My situation is this; My customer have a hole bunch of different Excel
    workbooks - with VB code inside. In this VB code the user/pwd to the ODBC
    connection is hardcoded. This hardcoding is not approved by audit.

    Is there any smart way (opposed the insert a login-dialogbox in each of
    those workbooks) - to solve this problem?

    What I thought of, is to make a button on my menubar to etablish the ODBC
    connection and regardless of wich workbook I open - hold this connection
    open. But somethins tells me, that the code should beplaced in a workbook -
    and not directly in Excel....

    PS. Is it possible to grap to windows login and pwd - and use with the ODBC

    Thanx in advance...

    Rgds, Henrik

  2. #2

    RE: Q:Excel/ODBC/Login ....

    I have the same issue. Did you find a solution?


    "Verner Jensen, Ålborg" wrote:

    > Hi' there !
    > My situation is this; My customer have a hole bunch of different Excel
    > workbooks - with VB code inside. In this VB code the user/pwd to the ODBC
    > connection is hardcoded. This hardcoding is not approved by audit.
    > Is there any smart way (opposed the insert a login-dialogbox in each of
    > those workbooks) - to solve this problem?
    > What I thought of, is to make a button on my menubar to etablish the ODBC
    > connection and regardless of wich workbook I open - hold this connection
    > open. But somethins tells me, that the code should beplaced in a workbook -
    > and not directly in Excel....
    > PS. Is it possible to grap to windows login and pwd - and use with the ODBC
    > connection?
    > Thanx in advance...
    > Rgds, Henrik

  3. #3

    Re: Q:Excel/ODBC/Login ....

    Yes this is possible.

    Create an AddIn with your connection code inside you can reference all
    your other workbooks to this. Thus, the AddIn will open automatically
    whenever the user opens any of the other workbooks.

    Declare a connection publicly in your AddIn - see below. Create generic
    code within the AddIn to make the connection for you.

    Public cnt As ADODB.Connection

    Public Function fcnCreateConnection() As Boolean

    'check connection already exists
    '- return true if so

    'else try and connect
    ' - return true if successful

    End Function

    'I often use a common function to query a database too
    Public Function fcnQueryMyDB(mySQL As String) As ADODB.Recordset
    'insert code to query and return a record set here
    End Function

    With respect to the user credentials there's lots of options. You could
    provide a Username and Password prompt, populating the username
    automatically from the network login and having the user enter the
    password once (keep the password privately declared in a module in case
    you need to reconnect). Alternatively (and depending one whether it's
    your DB) you may be happy assuming a user connected to the network is
    already secure and give them access on their username alone - waiving
    the password entry, but you need to be careful how you do this since
    someone could access the DB by other means.

    If you're regularly querying the database (every couple of minutes, say)
    IMHO it's far better to keep the connection open, rather than
    reconnecting and disconnecting everytime since the DB (Oracle does this
    at least as I understand) will normally allocate resources to every time
    you make a connection.

    Every time you query just check whether it's still open and reopen if it
    isn't. When the AddIn closes (i.e. quitting Excel) then you should make
    sure you close the connection.

    Note, if you need to reply to me, please just reply to


    MSweetG222 wrote:
    > I have the same issue. Did you find a solution?
    > Thx
    > MSweetG222
    > "Verner Jensen, Ålborg" wrote:
    >>Hi' there !
    >>My situation is this; My customer have a hole bunch of different Excel
    >>workbooks - with VB code inside. In this VB code the user/pwd to the ODBC
    >>connection is hardcoded. This hardcoding is not approved by audit.
    >>Is there any smart way (opposed the insert a login-dialogbox in each of
    >>those workbooks) - to solve this problem?
    >>What I thought of, is to make a button on my menubar to etablish the ODBC
    >>connection and regardless of wich workbook I open - hold this connection
    >>open. But somethins tells me, that the code should beplaced in a workbook -
    >>and not directly in Excel....
    >>PS. Is it possible to grap to windows login and pwd - and use with the ODBC
    >>Thanx in advance...
    >>Rgds, Henrik

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