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Lookup: 2 criteria

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Lookup: 2 criteria


    Is it posible to search with lookup after 2 criteria?
    An array(column) of dates and an array of monthly returns.
    Rows of the returns corresponding to the each year of data as follows:
    First row:
    in the first cell the return corresponding to the first month, in the second, the return corresponding to the second month, etc.
    The next row should be similar to the first one.
    So I have to search after 2 criteria: the year and the month of the date.
    How can I solve this issue?


  2. #2
    Gary's Student

    RE: Lookup: 2 criteria

    Take your two criteria and CONCATINATE them. The resulting column will
    contain the same info as the two original columns. Then use VLOOKUP, which
    can look-up based upon text.

    Good Luck
    Gary's Student

    "maca" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Is it posible to search with lookup after 2 criteria?
    > Inputs:
    > An array(column) of dates and an array of monthly returns.
    > Outputs:
    > Rows of the returns corresponding to the each year of data as follows:
    > First row:
    > in the first cell the return corresponding to the first month, in the
    > second, the return corresponding to the second month, etc.
    > The next row should be similar to the first one.
    > So I have to search after 2 criteria: the year and the month of the
    > date.
    > How can I solve this issue?
    > Rgds,
    > Maca.
    > --
    > maca
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > maca's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=24892
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=392128

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