I am writing a code in VB.NET and writing to it through a dataset.
But for every 25 seconds it writes only 100 rows to the excel.

Can any1 please comment on this.

Here is a piece of the code
For Each drXML As DataRowView In ViewToSort
rowCnt += 1
totCnt += 1

If rowCnt = 1 Then
objExcelWS = objExcelWB.Worksheets(sheetCnt)

For colCnt = 1 To xlsDS.Tables(0).Columns.Count
objExcelWS.Cells(rowCnt, colCnt) = xlsDS.Tables(0).Columns(colCnt - 1).ColumnName
End If

For colCnt = 1 To xlsDS.Tables(0).Columns.Count
'objExcelWS.Cells(rowCnt + 1, colCnt) = "'" & Format(drXML(colCnt - 1).ToString())
objExcelWS.Cells(rowCnt + 1, colCnt) = drXML(colCnt - 1).ToString()

'if row count reaches 65K and not end of dataset, close this worksheet
If rowCnt = 65000 And totCnt <> xlsDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count Then
rowCnt = 0
sheetCnt += 1
End If
