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Importing data from Excel to Outlook

  1. #1

    Importing data from Excel to Outlook

    I have an excel spreadsheet with over 2500 contacts. The Spreadsheet is set
    up with Last Name, First Name in Column A, Full Address in Column B, Email
    Address in Column C. I have highlighted and defined a name for each of the
    columns. Each time I attempt to import the data into Outlook 2003 the
    importing and exporting window never completes its task. I tried to perform
    an import with a new excel workbook with only limited information and the
    same thing happens.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2

    RE: Importing data from Excel to Outlook

    I've had the same problem. First, save your file as a text file, then import
    into Outlook. HTH
    Sincerely, Michael Colvin

    "JTRNPTNY" wrote:

    > I have an excel spreadsheet with over 2500 contacts. The Spreadsheet is set
    > up with Last Name, First Name in Column A, Full Address in Column B, Email
    > Address in Column C. I have highlighted and defined a name for each of the
    > columns. Each time I attempt to import the data into Outlook 2003 the
    > importing and exporting window never completes its task. I tried to perform
    > an import with a new excel workbook with only limited information and the
    > same thing happens.
    > Any ideas?

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