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Date Formatting

  1. #1

    Date Formatting

    I prefer to input dates with a period (dot) separator rather than a slash or
    hyphen. Although I can achieve this by altering the setting in Control
    Panel/regional settings, I want the screen display to show/print dates in the
    style '01/01/2005' and not '01.01.2005'. I don't think Excel has an input
    mask facility in the way that Access does. Why not? Surely there is a need
    for this? Is there a work around, please?

  2. #2

    Re: Date Formatting

    You can do it within Excel: go to >format > cell > Number. Use Custom to amend as you like.
    dd.mm.yyyy, yy-mm-dd . . . . . and so on.

    "ancient_hilly" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I prefer to input dates with a period (dot) separator rather than a slash or
    > hyphen. Although I can achieve this by altering the setting in Control
    > Panel/regional settings, I want the screen display to show/print dates in the
    > style '01/01/2005' and not '01.01.2005'. I don't think Excel has an input
    > mask facility in the way that Access does. Why not? Surely there is a need
    > for this? Is there a work around, please?

  3. #3

    Re: Date Formatting

    Can I automate this process using visual basic 6

    "MSN STM" wrote:

    > You can do it within Excel: go to >format > cell > Number. Use Custom to amend as you like.
    > dd.mm.yyyy, yy-mm-dd . . . . . and so on.
    > Chong
    > "ancient_hilly" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > >I prefer to input dates with a period (dot) separator rather than a slash or
    > > hyphen. Although I can achieve this by altering the setting in Control
    > > Panel/regional settings, I want the screen display to show/print dates in the
    > > style '01/01/2005' and not '01.01.2005'. I don't think Excel has an input
    > > mask facility in the way that Access does. Why not? Surely there is a need
    > > for this? Is there a work around, please?


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