I have a series of named ranges; the referenced cells have formulas that
pull from various other worksheets. Some of the cells return blank ("" or 0
or na(), depending on how I set up the formulas). I need to create a stacked
column chart showing _only_ the data that is returned, ignoring the
blanks/zeros. For example:

Animal # <2yrs
-------- -- -------
Cats 122 34
Dogs 212 86
<blank> <blank> <blank>
Fish 54 50
<blank> <blank> <blank>
Ferrets 6 3

I'll just use offset (I think, depending on the answer to this post) to get
the subsequent columns as named ranges to populate the graph, but I can't
figure out how to get my named range to return the following so I can graph
it, without having the extra X-axis spaces on my graph for the blank rows:


Any advice/suggestions/solutions greatly appreciated,

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