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How can I transpose a paste link?

  1. #1

    How can I transpose a paste link?

    I would like to link one long row of cells from one worksheet to one long
    column of cells on another. I have to do this in many cases, so paste-linking
    one cell at a time is not feasible. How can I transpose a paste-link

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: How can I transpose a paste link?

    Saved from a previous post:

    You could try this:

    Copy|paste special|paste link
    (but in an out of the way location)

    Then select those cells
    what: =
    with: $$$$$= (some unique string)
    replace all.

    Now those formulas are strings

    Copy|paste special|transpose

    select the range
    what: $$$$$= (same string)
    with: =
    replace all

    And clean up that out of the way helper range

    rpcar wrote:
    > I would like to link one long row of cells from one worksheet to one long
    > column of cells on another. I have to do this in many cases, so paste-linking
    > one cell at a time is not feasible. How can I transpose a paste-link
    > operation?


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: How can I transpose a paste link?

    Good solution! Thank you, Dave.

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