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Automatic change a graphic.

  1. #1

    Automatic change a graphic.

    Hi all.

    I have a problem that seemed to be easy to solve, but it isn't. So i post my
    problem here.

    The problem:
    I run every day some kilometers. Some day 5, some day 6 or more. I want to
    keep al this date in an excelsheet and have a beautiful graphic of this. The
    problem is that everytime I insert a new run, I have to select my graphic
    and change the cells where the graphic has to take his data. When I select
    the whole row, I have a lot of blank space in my graphic. Is it possible to
    make an graphic that shows data inserted in a row, and only shows the cells
    that are filled.

    Here you have the excel sheet that wil be used, it will probably give you a
    better idea about what i need.

    crashzone.be/trainingen.xls (just put www. before the link)

  2. #2
    Barb Reinhardt

    Re: Automatic change a graphic.

    This might help you


    "Gary6IN" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi all.
    > I have a problem that seemed to be easy to solve, but it isn't. So i post
    > my problem here.
    > The problem:
    > I run every day some kilometers. Some day 5, some day 6 or more. I want to
    > keep al this date in an excelsheet and have a beautiful graphic of this.
    > The problem is that everytime I insert a new run, I have to select my
    > graphic and change the cells where the graphic has to take his data. When
    > I select the whole row, I have a lot of blank space in my graphic. Is it
    > possible to make an graphic that shows data inserted in a row, and only
    > shows the cells that are filled.
    > Here you have the excel sheet that wil be used, it will probably give you
    > a better idea about what i need.
    > crashzone.be/trainingen.xls (just put www. before the link)

  3. #3
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Automatic change a graphic.

    Take a look at


    In article <[email protected]>,
    "Gary6IN" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > Hi all.
    > I have a problem that seemed to be easy to solve, but it isn't. So i post my
    > problem here.
    > The problem:
    > I run every day some kilometers. Some day 5, some day 6 or more. I want to
    > keep al this date in an excelsheet and have a beautiful graphic of this. The
    > problem is that everytime I insert a new run, I have to select my graphic
    > and change the cells where the graphic has to take his data. When I select
    > the whole row, I have a lot of blank space in my graphic. Is it possible to
    > make an graphic that shows data inserted in a row, and only shows the cells
    > that are filled.
    > Here you have the excel sheet that wil be used, it will probably give you a
    > better idea about what i need.
    > crashzone.be/trainingen.xls (just put www. before the link)

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