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$ Symbol

  1. #1
    Big Rick

    $ Symbol

    Please can someone explain in laymans terms why the $ symbol before a cell
    reference in a formula makes a difference.

    Thanking you in anticipation.
    Big Rick

  2. #2
    David Billigmeier

    RE: $ Symbol

    It will create an absolute reference. Let's say you have a cell reference
    pointing to A1... If you drag that down to the next cell the reference will
    change to A2. However, if you put dollar signs around the reference (i.e.
    A$1) and drag down it will still reference A1.


    "Big Rick" wrote:

    > Please can someone explain in laymans terms why the $ symbol before a cell
    > reference in a formula makes a difference.
    > Thanking you in anticipation.
    > --
    > Big Rick

  3. #3
    Bob Phillips

    Re: $ Symbol

    I'll try <g>

    When you copy a formula from one cell to another, if there is no $, Excel
    updates any cell references in that formula relative to its destination

    So, If A1 has the formula =IF(B1>7,C1,D1)

    and you copy that to B7, the formula that ends up un B7 is =IF(C7>7,D7,E7)

    Notice the columns have shunted acros 1, the rows down 6.

    If the formula were =IF($B$1>7, $C$1,$D$1), the formula that ends up in B7
    would be exactly the same.

    Sometimes you want absolut ($$), sometimes relative, sometimes a mix.


    Bob Phillips

    "Big Rick" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Please can someone explain in laymans terms why the $ symbol before a cell
    > reference in a formula makes a difference.
    > Thanking you in anticipation.
    > --
    > Big Rick

  4. #4
    Big Rick

    RE: $ Symbol

    Many thanks for you quick responce.
    Big Rick

    "David Billigmeier" wrote:

    > It will create an absolute reference. Let's say you have a cell reference
    > pointing to A1... If you drag that down to the next cell the reference will
    > change to A2. However, if you put dollar signs around the reference (i.e.
    > A$1) and drag down it will still reference A1.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Dave
    > <!--
    > "Big Rick" wrote:
    > > Please can someone explain in laymans terms why the $ symbol before a cell
    > > reference in a formula makes a difference.
    > >
    > > Thanking you in anticipation.
    > > --
    > > Big Rick

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