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moving cells to a predetermined order

  1. #1

    moving cells to a predetermined order

    Hello all:

    I have a list of accounts that are downloaded to excel once a month. I then
    need to reorder these accounts to group them according to client (as opposed
    to how they come in # order) I have set the order that I need and would like
    to be able to match the new information received to the order I prefer.


    column A is the order I want. Columns B,C,D is the information I need to

    A B C D
    1 p123 n452 client E $40.00
    2 n452 v685 client C $135.00
    3 r269 d863 client A $25.00
    4 d863 p123 client B $82.00
    5 v685 r269 clientd $75.00

    I would like it to match column A like so:

    A B C D
    1 p123 p123 client B $82.00
    2 n452 n452 client E $40.00
    3 r269 r269 clientd $75.00
    4 d863 d863 client A $25.00
    5 v685 v685 client C $135.00

    Is this possible in excel. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: moving cells to a predetermined order

    It almost looks like you could sort column A (and not B:D) in ascending order.

    Then sort B:D (don't include column A) by column B and they'll match up.

    But it isn't quite the same order.

    If that difference (d863 out of order) is a deal breaker, then maybe...

    Use 3 additional columns E:G
    In E1, put:
    =A1 (it looks like it's the same)

    In F1, put:

    In G1, put:

    And select E1:G1 and drag down.

    Select E:G
    edit|paste special|values
    and delete columns B:D
    (Well, after you verify that it's ok.)

    Jonathan wrote:
    > Hello all:
    > I have a list of accounts that are downloaded to excel once a month. I then
    > need to reorder these accounts to group them according to client (as opposed
    > to how they come in # order) I have set the order that I need and would like
    > to be able to match the new information received to the order I prefer.
    > ex)
    > column A is the order I want. Columns B,C,D is the information I need to
    > re-sort
    > A B C D
    > 1 p123 n452 client E $40.00
    > 2 n452 v685 client C $135.00
    > 3 r269 d863 client A $25.00
    > 4 d863 p123 client B $82.00
    > 5 v685 r269 clientd $75.00
    > I would like it to match column A like so:
    > A B C D
    > 1 p123 p123 client B $82.00
    > 2 n452 n452 client E $40.00
    > 3 r269 r269 clientd $75.00
    > 4 d863 d863 client A $25.00
    > 5 v685 v685 client C $135.00
    > Is this possible in excel. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    > Thanks
    > jw


    Dave Peterson

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