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Same Increment in Multiple Worksheets

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  1. #1

    Same Increment in Multiple Worksheets


    How do you get a value within a cell to increment, by say, 1, for each and
    every worksheet within my workbook?

    For example, the value in sheet1 in cell A1 is 100

    in sheet2, I input...= 1 + 'sheet1'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 101)

    then, in sheet 3, I input...= 1 + 'sheet2'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 102)

    then, in sheet 4, I input...= 1 + 'sheet3'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 103)


    How can I input a formula...then copy and paste it into my sheets without
    having to go to each and every worksheet to input the formula??

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Same Increment in Multiple Worksheets


    As earlier but with a couple of alterations. Mainly you wanted to start at
    100 on first sheet.

    Sub Number_Increment()
    ''increment a number in A1 across sheets
    Dim mynum As Long
    Dim ws As Long
    mynum = 100 'your choice of start number
    For ws = 1 To Worksheets.Count
    With Worksheets(ws).Range("A1")
    .Value = mynum - 1 + ws
    'the -1 ensures first sheet A1 is 100
    End With
    Next ws
    End Sub

    Alternative if you want to have a formula in each A1 referring to the sheet
    before as per your example.

    Sub Fill_Across_Sheets()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim ShName As String

    For i = 2 To Worksheets.Count
    ShName = Worksheets(i - 1).Name
    Worksheets(i).Range("A1").Formula = "='" & ShName & "'!A1+1"
    End Sub

    Gord Dibben Excel MVP

    On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:37:10 -0700, FLKULCHAR
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    > Question
    > How do you get a value within a cell to increment, by say, 1, for each and
    >every worksheet within my workbook?
    >For example, the value in sheet1 in cell A1 is 100
    >in sheet2, I input...= 1 + 'sheet1'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 101)
    >then, in sheet 3, I input...= 1 + 'sheet2'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 102)
    >then, in sheet 4, I input...= 1 + 'sheet3'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 103)
    >How can I input a formula...then copy and paste it into my sheets without
    >having to go to each and every worksheet to input the formula??
    >Thank you,

  3. #3

    Re: Same Increment in Multiple Worksheets

    This will work *only* when you're using the XL default sheet names (Sheet1,
    Sheet2, ... etc.).
    Also, the WB has to be "Saved" at least once.

    This will give you the value of A1 in Sheet1 incremented to 1 *less* then
    the sheet name.

    On Sheet1, in A1, you enter any starting number, i.e. 100.

    Now *group* all your other sheets together, so that whatever you do to one,
    will be duplicated in all the others.

    Click in the tab of Sheet2, hold <Shift>, and click in the tab of your last
    sheet tab.

    All the tabs are now white, with the tab of Sheet2 in bold, denoting that
    Sheet2 is the main sheet in focus.
    You'll also see "[Group]" appended to the WB name in the Title bar.

    Now, click in A1 (you should already be in Sheet2), and enter (paste) this

    CELL("Filename", A1))-5)-1

    Click in the tab of Sheet1 to break out of the grouping, and you should now
    have what you're looking for.


    Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !

    "FLKULCHAR" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Question
    > How do you get a value within a cell to increment, by say, 1, for each

    > every worksheet within my workbook?
    > For example, the value in sheet1 in cell A1 is 100
    > in sheet2, I input...= 1 + 'sheet1'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 101)
    > then, in sheet 3, I input...= 1 + 'sheet2'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is

    > then, in sheet 4, I input...= 1 + 'sheet3'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is

    > etc.,etc.,etc.
    > How can I input a formula...then copy and paste it into my sheets without
    > having to go to each and every worksheet to input the formula??
    > Thank you,
    > FLKulchar

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