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tracking changes via email

  1. #1

    tracking changes via email


    can I track changes just using Excel and email? It seems that all
    scenarios I found in Help are oriented towards shared folders on LAN or
    Exchange. Can I just switch on Tracking Changes and send XLS file as
    attachment to others. I did that, but when the modified spreadsheet
    returned there were no changes at all. How is it supposed to work?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date

    Normally you should be able to email and retain tracked changes, however, tracked changes require the workbook to be Shared and certain other functions cannot be used on a shared workbook.

    If someone wishes to change the Conditional Format (for example) then the workbook must be un-shared to permit this. Tracked changes are then lost.

    When the workbook returned to you was it still Shared?


    Quote Originally Posted by matej

    can I track changes just using Excel and email? It seems that all
    scenarios I found in Help are oriented towards shared folders on LAN or
    Exchange. Can I just switch on Tracking Changes and send XLS file as
    attachment to others. I did that, but when the modified spreadsheet
    returned there were no changes at all. How is it supposed to work?

    Thanks in advance,


  3. #3

    Re: tracking changes via email

    No, it wasn't (and I am quite sure, that the other people in my group
    are not able to find out about sharing of spreadsheets) -- however, I
    found that actually there is a piece of shared server, where I can post
    the XLS file, so that it almost (barring bug with scrolling and
    freezing panes) works for us.


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