I need help in finding information that moves daily in one workbook into differenct columns of different worksheets to show on another linked workbook. For example, Workbook A contains 10 worksheets. Depending on the status of work to be done, it will show up as being listed on one of those 10 worksheets. As the status changes, it's location is moved from one worksheet to another. It's location, column-wise, changes when it moves from one worksheet to another. Workbook B lists the items located in Workbook A, but is a single spreadsheet which needs to show where the item is located in Workbook A, by writing in the name of the worksheet it is currently listed in. That way Workbook B is basically a summary of Workbook A. I would like to revamp the whole system, but the higher administrators won't accept changes, so I need to find some sort of formula or nesting formulas to lookup information in Workbook A to put on a summary sheet in Workbook B when the location of the information changes daily. Please help.