May I beg for advice from the collective wisdom?

Any advice gratefully received.

I was using media player (v6.4) as an object in a userform and I tried to
use the more advanced version of media player (WindowsMediaPlayer1) that
comes from the additional controls toolbox.

I dutifully replaced all theoccurences of MP with WindowsMediaPlayer1 in
the code, but the command "WindowsMediaPlayer1.Open (Mfile)" generates an
error whereas the command "MP.Open (Mfile)" didn't. Anyone know why?

Old code reads

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Mfile As String
Mfile = "c:\test.mpg"
MP.Open (Mfile)
End Sub

New code reads

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Mfile As String
Mfile = "c:\test.mpg"
WindowsMediaPlayer1.Open (Mfile)
End Sub