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Replace &F in header with text

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Lake Forest, CA
    MS-Off Ver

    Question Replace &F in header with text

    The right header reads DOC. NO &F
    I need a macro to replace &F with the filename as text
    (To be run on the contents of a folder one time)

    (Our new data management system adds a dot numeric value to the file name, and it is confusing the users.)

    I would really appreciate any suggestions!


  2. #2
    Dave O

    Re: Replace &F in header with text

    Generally, the code looks like this:

    Sub Filename_in_header()
    With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
    .RightHeader = "Doc No. " & Mid(ActiveSheet.Name, 1, 5)
    End With
    End Sub

    This applies the first five characters of the filename to the header-
    see the MID statement. You'll need to parse your filename to suit,
    maybe with LEFT or RIGHT instead of MID, depending on how the data mgt
    system adds its numeric value.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    MS-Off Ver

    Question Replace &F in header with text

    The name I want to apply is the name of the workbook, not the active sheet.

    Can I get a macro to run on all of the files within a folder? I have over four hundred of these to change.

    I've taken copies out of the datamanagement system, I need to make this change, then I'll put the updated copies back.


  4. #4
    Dave O

    Re: Replace &F in header with text

    The code that follows will ask you to select the files you want to
    change. This is a one-file-at-a-time deal, unfortunately; the code to
    automate the entire process is a touch trickier than I have time for at
    this moment.

    The code applies the new header to each tab in the document, using the
    filename instead of the tab name. You'll still need to work out the
    parsing- changing the file from MyFile123456.xls to MyFile.

    Sub Filename_in_header()
    Dim SName As Variant
    Dim Response As String


    'select a file

    'Apply new header to each sheet in the file
    For Each SName In Sheets
    With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
    .RightHeader = "Doc No. " & Mid(ActiveWorkbook.Name, 1, 5)
    End With
    Next SName
    'save the workbook with changes; close

    'Ask whether user wants to update another file
    Response = MsgBox("Update another file?", vbYesNo)
    Loop Until Response = vbNo

    End Sub

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Lake Forest, CA
    MS-Off Ver

    re: Replace &F in header with text

    I must not be making myself very clear.
    (Can I blame it on a head cold?)

    Intralink (our data manaement program) appends a dot numeric value to the name of the file if/when you view it through a workspace (Intralink verbiage)

    5098000.xls becomes 5098000.xls.209
    (209 is a random number based on the number of objects in your workspace)

    Old naming conventions had the revision of the file in the filename (5098000_116.xls) When people are printing out of Intralink, they are seeing the dot numeric value and assuming it is the rev of the file.

    So, I have exported the files to a new folder, unrelated to Intralink
    These files are named correctly (i.e. 5098000.xls)

    The headers for these files utilize &F
    The tabs have unrelated references, which I can not change

    I need to replace &F with 5098000.xls for this file. I have 442 others which need the same thing, replace &F with the actual file name, in text, in the header

    There must be an easier way!!

  6. #6
    Dave O

    Re: Replace &F in header with text

    Let me summarize back at you, to make sure I have it.
    ~ Intralink names files in a way that makes your colleagues think they
    are dealing with a particular revision of the file.
    ~ You have moved files away from Intralink's control.
    ~ You need to change the header in each file, essentially hardcoding
    the filename instead of using the &F function.

    Is that correct?

    If it is, then the program I sent earlier will work for you, albeit it
    one file at a time. Try it on some backup files, not actual files, so
    you don't inadvertently lose data.

    Sorry to hear about the head cold!

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