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Newbie question

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  1. #1

    Newbie question


    can someone explain in plain English what this formula is actually

    =IF(C32="FOB",(B28:C28/'Board Pricing and
    conversion'!B19)-B28,(B28/'Board Pricing and conversion'!B20)-B28)

    I understand the C32="FOB", but the rest I don't. I know it is
    referencing another spreadsheet but don't know what it is looking at??


  2. #2
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Newbie question


    Double-click on the cell with the formula and you will see the syntax

    IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

    You have a logical text for "FOB" on C32 of active sheet.

    If True then return the result of first argument which is the sum of cells
    B28:C28 on active sheet divided by cell B19 from worksheet Board Pricing and
    conversion -B28 on active sheet.

    If False, return the results from the second argument which is divide B28 by
    Board Pricing and conversion sheet B20 - B28 on active sheet.

    Note: This formula is an Array formula and must be entered using CTRL + SHIFT
    + ENTER

    Excel will place curly brackets around the entire formula{.......}

    Gord Dibben Excel MVP

    On 31 Oct 2005 14:05:57 -0800, "bassman" <[email protected]> wrote:

    >can someone explain in plain English what this formula is actually
    >=IF(C32="FOB",(B28:C28/'Board Pricing and
    >conversion'!B19)-B28,(B28/'Board Pricing and conversion'!B20)-B28)
    >I understand the C32="FOB", but the rest I don't. I know it is
    >referencing another spreadsheet but don't know what it is looking at??

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