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  1. #1


    I need a list of permutations for all 4 digits numbers using numerals 1-6.
    How do I go about doing this?

  2. #2
    Jonathan Cooper

    RE: permutations

    In cell A1, type in the number 1111. This is your lowest number.
    In cel A2, use the following formula.


    copy/paste this formula downward. Should error out at row 1297.

    double check it, but I think this is the list you are looking for.

    "newyorkjoy" wrote:

    > I need a list of permutations for all 4 digits numbers using numerals 1-6.
    > How do I go about doing this?

  3. #3

    RE: permutations

    Thank you Jonathan!! It worked. It went a bit further than 1297. It ended
    at 1378. It is appreciated.

    "Jonathan Cooper" wrote:

    > In cell A1, type in the number 1111. This is your lowest number.
    > In cel A2, use the following formula.
    > =IF(A1=6666,"stop",IF(--RIGHT(A1,3)=666,A1+445,IF(--RIGHT(A1,2)=66,A1+45,IF(--RIGHT(A1,1)=6,A1+5,A1+1))))
    > copy/paste this formula downward. Should error out at row 1297.
    > double check it, but I think this is the list you are looking for.
    > "newyorkjoy" wrote:
    > > I need a list of permutations for all 4 digits numbers using numerals 1-6.
    > > How do I go about doing this?

  4. #4
    Bernard Liengme

    Re: permutations

    Has been covered many times. Suggest a Google newsgroup search
    Bernard V Liengme
    remove caps from email

    "newyorkjoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I need a list of permutations for all 4 digits numbers using numerals 1-6.
    > How do I go about doing this?

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