I have a Cell that the information is chosen from a drop down cell. I need to record this information on another sheet to maintain a record of what was chosen in this cell along with other data from other cells.

for ex:

1) I type in 2000 into cell B2 sheet 1 and at the bottom of a list on sheet 5 2000 is recorded in Column A. (This works fine already)

2) Then in Column B on sheet 5 I have a time stamp next to the data in Column A (This works fine too)

3) Then in Column C I want to take the data from the drop down list on sheet 1 and put it at the end of the list next to the time stamp in Column C. (This doesn't work)

I thought I could modify the code from part 1 but it is not cooperating very nicely and I think the information being in a dropdown has something to do with it.

Thank you for the help.