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Lookups using worksheet names

  1. #1

    Lookups using worksheet names

    Is there anyway of automatically picking up a figure from a specific
    cell on various worksheets buy using the worksheet name?

    I have a spreadsheet that has worksheets with the clients contract
    numbers, e:g each worksheet would be named something like this:

    I also have a spreadsheet with all the above contract numbers listed
    which looks up the clients names and addresses etc. The data on each
    sheet is always in a specific cell on each worksheet for the sake of
    argument cell A1.

    I would like to use the spreadsheet with the contract numbers listed to
    look up cell A1 on each spreadsheet by using the worksheet name (i.e.
    contract number)

    Any thoughts?


  2. #2

    Re: Lookups using worksheet names

    To reference worksheet use formula ='Sheet Name'!A1
    Also, you can't use "/" in worksheet name.

    "Soapydux" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Is there anyway of automatically picking up a figure from a specific
    > cell on various worksheets buy using the worksheet name?
    > I have a spreadsheet that has worksheets with the clients contract
    > numbers, e:g each worksheet would be named something like this:
    > 000/12345678/123
    > I also have a spreadsheet with all the above contract numbers listed
    > which looks up the clients names and addresses etc. The data on each
    > sheet is always in a specific cell on each worksheet for the sake of
    > argument cell A1.
    > I would like to use the spreadsheet with the contract numbers listed to
    > look up cell A1 on each spreadsheet by using the worksheet name (i.e.
    > contract number)
    > Any thoughts?
    > Thanks

  3. #3
    B. R.Ramachandran

    RE: Lookups using worksheet names


    If A12 contains the contract number of a client, and you want B2 pull up the
    contents of A1 of a different worksheet named after that contract number,
    use the following formula in B12.

    = INDIRECT("'"&A12&"'!A1")

    By the way, have you successfully named the worksheets using clients'
    contract numbers in the format you have shown? I think that Excel will not
    accept the "/" character as part of worksheet names. You might have to
    change the contract numbers as (e.g., 000-12345678-123 or something like that.

    B. R. Ramachandran

    "Soapydux" wrote:

    > Is there anyway of automatically picking up a figure from a specific
    > cell on various worksheets buy using the worksheet name?
    > I have a spreadsheet that has worksheets with the clients contract
    > numbers, e:g each worksheet would be named something like this:
    > 000/12345678/123
    > I also have a spreadsheet with all the above contract numbers listed
    > which looks up the clients names and addresses etc. The data on each
    > sheet is always in a specific cell on each worksheet for the sake of
    > argument cell A1.
    > I would like to use the spreadsheet with the contract numbers listed to
    > look up cell A1 on each spreadsheet by using the worksheet name (i.e.
    > contract number)
    > Any thoughts?
    > Thanks

  4. #4

    Re: Lookups using worksheet names

    Many Thanks, that does the trick ;0)

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