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Rank Function

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  1. #1

    Rank Function

    I have a number in cell A1, and two lists of numbers in cells D11:D21 and

    I want to find the rank of cell A1 out of the cells in D11:D21 and E33:E43.

    But the rank function seems to require that the value in cell A1 be part of
    the range D11:D21 or E33:E43. It does not seem to allow me to take the rank
    when the cell values are seperated.

    Is there any way around this?


  2. #2

    RE: Rank Function

    Define cells D11 - D21 and A1 as a Range (highlight the cells, then select
    "Insert", then "Name", then "Define"). We'll call it Range1 for this example.

    Repeat for cells E33 - E43 and A1. Calling it Range2.

    Your formulas can then be:



    "Jeff" wrote:

    > I have a number in cell A1, and two lists of numbers in cells D11:D21 and
    > E33:E43
    > I want to find the rank of cell A1 out of the cells in D11:D21 and E33:E43.
    > But the rank function seems to require that the value in cell A1 be part of
    > the range D11:D21 or E33:E43. It does not seem to allow me to take the rank
    > when the cell values are seperated.
    > Is there any way around this?
    > Thanks

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