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How do I change "Doe, John" to "John Doe" in Excel?

  1. #1

    How do I change "Doe, John" to "John Doe" in Excel?

    Imported text from another program shows "Doe, John". Does anyone know how
    to break it into "John" and "Doe"?

  2. #2
    Niek Otten

    Re: How do I change "Doe, John" to "John Doe" in Excel?

    =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(",",A1)-1)&" "&LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1)-1)

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "Moon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Imported text from another program shows "Doe, John". Does anyone know
    > how
    > to break it into "John" and "Doe"?

  3. #3
    Earl Kiosterud

    Re: How do I change "Doe, John" to "John Doe" in Excel?


    There are a few ways. A couple are here. Not too robust, I fear,

    Data - Text to Columns. Make sure there are empty columns to the right to
    contain the parsed stuff. Select your column. Data - Text to Columns,
    Delimited, Delimiter: comma. This will split Doe, John into two columns.
    It won't preserve the original data (the last name will wind up in the in
    the original column), and will use an additional column for the first name.
    If there are additional commas, it will use more columns. The space after
    the comma will be included in the first name. It sometimes doesn't put the
    data in the same rows as was the original.

    You can easily rearrange the columns laterally if you need the first name
    column at the left by selecting a column, then edge-dragging holding the
    Shift key.

    Another way is with two helper columns:

    Last Name: =LEFT(A2,SEARCH(",",A2)-1)
    First Name: =MID(A2,SEARCH(",",A2)+2,LEN(A2))

    The first name formula depends on the space after the comma, and will lop
    off the first character of the first name if it isn't there. If that's a
    possibility, use:

    =MID(A2,SEARCH(", ",A2)+2,LEN(A2))

    Note the space after the comma in the search string. This will fail with
    #VALUE! in such a situtation, which is likely better than a messed-up first

    Earl Kiosterud

    "Moon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Imported text from another program shows "Doe, John". Does anyone know
    > how
    > to break it into "John" and "Doe"?

  4. #4
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: How do I change "Doe, John" to "John Doe" in Excel?

    On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 06:44:09 -0800, "Moon" <[email protected]>

    >Imported text from another program shows "Doe, John". Does anyone know how
    >to break it into "John" and "Doe"?

    If the last name always ends with a ",", and the first name is always the last
    word in the text string, then, with the string in A1:


    LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))))+1,255)

    LN: =LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1)-1)

    The formulas will give errors if there is no comma, or space in the string.

    If you require more complicated pattern matching, then post back, as regular
    expressions could be used to advantage here.


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