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Summary sheet for 80+ tabs/worksheets

  1. #1

    Summary sheet for 80+ tabs/worksheets

    Hello. I have a summary sheet that needs to add all the same cells from 80+
    worksheets. For instance, on the summary sheet (cell d6) I want to add all
    the amounts in cell f9 (from all the other worksheets). I've attempted this
    and the formula bar takes up half the screen when I'm on the actual cell and
    it's also saying the formula is too long to add up the remaining tabs. Any
    shortcut to this?


  2. #2

    RE: Summary sheet for 80+ tabs/worksheets

    Nevermind....I found the answer on an earlier post by searching under
    different subject names. Thanks anyways!

    "Corey" wrote:

    > Hello. I have a summary sheet that needs to add all the same cells from 80+
    > worksheets. For instance, on the summary sheet (cell d6) I want to add all
    > the amounts in cell f9 (from all the other worksheets). I've attempted this
    > and the formula bar takes up half the screen when I'm on the actual cell and
    > it's also saying the formula is too long to add up the remaining tabs. Any
    > shortcut to this?
    > Thanks!

  3. #3

    RE: Summary sheet for 80+ tabs/worksheets

    As long as your detail sheets are structured identically and you're adding
    the exact same cell(s) from each, this is a perfect application for 3d sums!
    In Summary!D6, type =sum(. Then click in F9 of the first detail sheet. Next
    click on the tab of the final detail sheet and hit enter.
    The result will be =sum(DetailSheet1:DetailSheet80!F9).

    "Corey" wrote:

    > Hello. I have a summary sheet that needs to add all the same cells from 80+
    > worksheets. For instance, on the summary sheet (cell d6) I want to add all
    > the amounts in cell f9 (from all the other worksheets). I've attempted this
    > and the formula bar takes up half the screen when I'm on the actual cell and
    > it's also saying the formula is too long to add up the remaining tabs. Any
    > shortcut to this?
    > Thanks!

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