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multiple sheet sorting

  1. #1

    multiple sheet sorting

    Hello all, I'm wondering if this is possible:

    I have a spreadsheet with multiple sheets. The first is a master job
    list, with a job name column, etc, and then i have 14 other pages that
    link from that master job list and have more info in subsequent

    What i'm wondering is if I can do somethins so that when I resort the
    master job list (either because of adding a new job or deleting old
    jobs, then can i get the rest of the data on the other 14 sheets to
    follow those jobs around?

    Let me know if I need to clarify what I'm trying to do...Thanks!

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: multiple sheet sorting

    It sounds like it would be quite messy.

    I really like to keep all my data in one spot/worksheet. Then I can use
    data|sort or data|filter|autofilter to see the data the way I want.

    [email protected] wrote:
    > Hello all, I'm wondering if this is possible:
    > I have a spreadsheet with multiple sheets. The first is a master job
    > list, with a job name column, etc, and then i have 14 other pages that
    > link from that master job list and have more info in subsequent
    > columns.
    > What i'm wondering is if I can do somethins so that when I resort the
    > master job list (either because of adding a new job or deleting old
    > jobs, then can i get the rest of the data on the other 14 sheets to
    > follow those jobs around?
    > Let me know if I need to clarify what I'm trying to do...Thanks!


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: multiple sheet sorting

    Yes, if it was up to me, I may try that but I am making this
    spreadsheet for others who are not very computer literate to use and I
    need to make it very easy for them. Any suggestions anyone?

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