I have 55 sheets in my file. I have one page that I am collecting data from
other sheets. So on the individual sheets I will have the same data for
different dates in cells C7 C14,C21,C28,C35,C42 and so on. On the sheet I am
collecting data I will have a list of the indidvidual sheets and columns
labeled with the individual data to be collected there. What I need
assistance with is this:
If on first row of my collection sheet I pull info from sheet #1
C7,D7,E7,F7, AND G7 and I would like on the same row to then pull from the
same sheet C14,D14,E14,F14 and G14, and then C21,D21,E21,F21, and G14 and so
on and so on. How do I copy and paste my formulas? Can I increment a formula
so when I copy it to a different rows it will automatically increment the
formula to pull data from the next sheet? Don't know if it possible, but it
woul sure save me time.

Thank You & God Bless,
