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(array?) formula

  1. #1
    Jack Sons

    (array?) formula

    Hi all,

    In col E I have dates or text or nothing, in col G is ABC or RST or dates or
    text or nothing. and in col H numbers or something else.

    I need the (array?) formula that gives me the number in col H for which in
    col G is ABC or RST and in col E is the most recent date.

    Thanks in advance for your help and my best wishes for a goor 2006.

    Jack Sons
    The Netherlands

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: (array?) formula



    Bob Phillips

    (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

    "Jack Sons" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:%[email protected]...
    > Hi all,
    > In col E I have dates or text or nothing, in col G is ABC or RST or dates

    > text or nothing. and in col H numbers or something else.
    > I need the (array?) formula that gives me the number in col H for which in
    > col G is ABC or RST and in col E is the most recent date.
    > Thanks in advance for your help and my best wishes for a goor 2006.
    > Jack Sons
    > The Netherlands

  3. #3
    Jack Sons

    Re: (array?) formula


    Thank you for your answer.

    If the G-cell corresponding with the E-cell with the most recent date is
    anything else than ABC or RST the reult is zero.

    In the example below I should get 150 of cell H8 but I get zero. If cell G3
    is ABC or RST I get 1760 What's wrong?

    col E col G col H

    19-11-2002 RST 145

    29-11-2002 ABC 160

    31-1-2005 1.760

    30-5-2003 ABC 170

    1-10-2004 ABC 180

    29-10-2004 aaa 185

    29-12-2004 ABC 190

    28-1-2005 RST 150

    20-1-2005 RST 200

    "Bob Phillips" <[email protected]> schreef in bericht
    news:[email protected]...
    > =SUMPRODUCT(--(E2:E200=MAX(E2:E200)),--(ISNUMBER(MATCH(G2:G200,{"ABC","RST"}
    > ,0))),H2:H200)
    > --
    > HTH
    > Bob Phillips
    > (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
    > "Jack Sons" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:%[email protected]...
    >> Hi all,
    >> In col E I have dates or text or nothing, in col G is ABC or RST or dates

    > or
    >> text or nothing. and in col H numbers or something else.
    >> I need the (array?) formula that gives me the number in col H for which
    >> in
    >> col G is ABC or RST and in col E is the most recent date.
    >> Thanks in advance for your help and my best wishes for a goor 2006.
    >> Jack Sons
    >> The Netherlands


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