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  1. #1
    moony marouane


    Hi Everybody

    I'd like to know what is the expression that PRINCPER function uses, cause I
    need it urgently.
    Let me take this as an example : PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;32;40000) how do we
    get : 929,28, what is the the calculation or the expression??

    Many thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Niek Otten


    The English equivalent of PRINCPER is PPMT, member of a group of related
    financial functions, all using the same basic formula.
    The formula can be found in HELP under FV, That is the French VC function.

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "moony marouane" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Everybody
    > I'd like to know what is the expression that PRINCPER function uses, cause
    > I
    > need it urgently.
    > Let me take this as an example : PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;32;40000) how do we
    > get : 929,28, what is the the calculation or the expression??
    > Many thanks in advance
    > Moony

  3. #3
    moony marouane


    Many thanks for your help

    But I went to help, and I found just examples like :
    VC(0,5%; 10; -200; -500; 1) equal to 2 581,40 F

    VC(1%; 12; -1000) equal to 12 682,50 F

    VC(11%/12; 35; -2000; ; 1) equal to 82 846,25 F

    And not how they got the results, I mean the operations (+ / - *)

    Many thanks again

    "Niek Otten" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
    news:[email protected]...
    > The English equivalent of PRINCPER is PPMT, member of a group of related
    > financial functions, all using the same basic formula.
    > The formula can be found in HELP under FV, That is the French VC function.
    > --
    > Kind regards,
    > Niek Otten
    > "moony marouane" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Hi Everybody
    > >
    > > I'd like to know what is the expression that PRINCPER function uses,

    > > I
    > > need it urgently.
    > > Let me take this as an example : PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;32;40000) how do

    > > get : 929,28, what is the the calculation or the expression??
    > >
    > > Many thanks in advance
    > > Moony
    > >
    > >


  4. #4
    Bernard Liengme


    From http://www.cvm.qc.ca/dgirard/H2004/2...s/module14.pdf

    Calcule le montant des intérêts pour une période

    Calcule le montant du capital pour une période

    In English version this is PPMT but I cannot get the same results as you
    Bernard V Liengme
    remove caps from email

    "moony marouane" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Everybody
    > I'd like to know what is the expression that PRINCPER function uses, cause
    > I
    > need it urgently.
    > Let me take this as an example : PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;32;40000) how do we
    > get : 929,28, what is the the calculation or the expression??
    > Many thanks in advance
    > Moony

  5. #5
    Bernard Liengme


    See also page 6 at

    Bernard V Liengme
    remove caps from email

    "moony marouane" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Everybody
    > I'd like to know what is the expression that PRINCPER function uses, cause
    > I
    > need it urgently.
    > Let me take this as an example : PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;32;40000) how do we
    > get : 929,28, what is the the calculation or the expression??
    > Many thanks in advance
    > Moony

  6. #6
    Niek Otten


    Then look at VA

    Kind regards,

    Niek Otten

    "moony marouane" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Many thanks for your help
    > But I went to help, and I found just examples like :
    > VC(0,5%; 10; -200; -500; 1) equal to 2 581,40 F
    > VC(1%; 12; -1000) equal to 12 682,50 F
    > VC(11%/12; 35; -2000; ; 1) equal to 82 846,25 F
    > And not how they got the results, I mean the operations (+ / - *)
    > Many thanks again
    > "Niek Otten" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> The English equivalent of PRINCPER is PPMT, member of a group of related
    >> financial functions, all using the same basic formula.
    >> The formula can be found in HELP under FV, That is the French VC
    >> function.
    >> --
    >> Kind regards,
    >> Niek Otten
    >> "moony marouane" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >> > Hi Everybody
    >> >
    >> > I'd like to know what is the expression that PRINCPER function uses,

    > cause
    >> > I
    >> > need it urgently.
    >> > Let me take this as an example : PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;32;40000) how do

    > we
    >> > get : 929,28, what is the the calculation or the expression??
    >> >
    >> > Many thanks in advance
    >> > Moony
    >> >
    >> >



  7. #7


    "Bernard Liengme" wrote:
    > "moony marouane" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > > Let me take this as an example :
    > > PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;32;40000) how do we
    > > get : 929,28

    > In English version this is PPMT but I cannot get the
    > same results as you report!

    I presume a typo: it should be 36 instead of 32.

  8. #8


    "moony marouane" wrote:
    > I'd like to know what is the expression that PRINCPER
    > function uses, cause I need it urgently. Let me take
    > this as an example : PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;32;40000)
    > how do we get : 929,28

    I assume you mean PRINCPER(11,95%/12;1;36;-40000)
    -- that is, 36 instead of 32 and -40000 instead of 40000.
    I write "-40000" so that PRINCPER() returns a positive value,
    as you wrote.

    (Some people might argue that "40000" and "-929.28" are
    the correct signs. I prefer to make all financial function
    results positive, and I write an explicit "-" when I need that.)

    I cannot tell you how Excel computes this internally, but I
    think you are interested in the mathematical equations.

    First, periodic payment (PMT) is:

    PMT = PV*r / (1 - (1+r)^(-n))

    where PV is the initial principal ("capital"; 40000), n is the
    number of periodic payments (36), and r is the periodic
    interest rate (11.95%/12).

    Second, the ending balance in a specified period, FV(k), is:

    FV(k) = ( PV - PMT*(1 - (1+r)^(-k))/r ) / (1+r)^(-k)

    where k is the period number (1,...,n; FV(0) = PV).

    Thus, the principal paid in period k (1), PPMT or PRINCPER, is:

    PPMT = FV(k) - FV(k-1)

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