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Matching and Copying entries

  1. #1

    Matching and Copying entries

    I have two worksheets, on sheet1 there are 4 columns, columnA is the
    customers account number. On sheet2 I have 5 columns and again columnA
    is the customers account number.

    I want to keep all records from sheet1, but I want to add two extra
    columns of data that is currently held on sheet2.

    So I think I need to compare the customers account numbers between
    sheet1 and sheet2 and where they match copy over columns C and E from
    sheet2 to two new colmns on sheet1.

    What would be the best eay to approach this problem. (I have approx
    20,000 rows on sheet1 and nearly 50,000 on sheet2.)

  2. #2
    Otto Moehrbach

    Re: Matching and Copying entries

    You say that Column A of both sheets have customer account numbers. You
    also say sheet 2 has 50,000 rows while sheet 1 has only some 20,000 rows. I
    take it that any account number found on sheet 1 will not appear more than
    once, if at all, on sheet 2. If this is true, then the following macro will
    do what you want. Note that, as written, this macro assumes that sheet
    "One" is the active sheet. This is the sheet you refer to as "sheet1".
    HTH Otto
    Sub UpdateData()
    Dim AN2 As Range 'Account number range in sheet Two
    Dim AN1 As Range 'Account number range in sheet One
    Dim i As Range
    Dim MatchAN1 As Range 'AN in One that matches that in Two
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set AN1 = Range("A2", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
    With Sheets("Two")
    Set AN2 = .Range("A2", .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
    For Each i In AN2
    On Error Resume Next
    Set MatchAN1 = AN1.Find(What:=i.Value, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not MatchAN1 Is Nothing Then
    i.Offset(, 2).Copy MatchAN1.Offset(, 4)
    i.Offset(, 4).Copy MatchAN1.Offset(, 5)
    End If
    Next i
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    "Box666" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have two worksheets, on sheet1 there are 4 columns, columnA is the
    > customers account number. On sheet2 I have 5 columns and again columnA
    > is the customers account number.
    > I want to keep all records from sheet1, but I want to add two extra
    > columns of data that is currently held on sheet2.
    > So I think I need to compare the customers account numbers between
    > sheet1 and sheet2 and where they match copy over columns C and E from
    > sheet2 to two new colmns on sheet1.
    > What would be the best eay to approach this problem. (I have approx
    > 20,000 rows on sheet1 and nearly 50,000 on sheet2.)

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